DI11004 Computing Project – Project Specification
You will undertake this project in groups of up to 5 students.
Task Overview
Your task is to develop an image processing app using Processing and make a video to demonstrate the app you developed.
Part 1 – App Development
You must design your own app; you cannot use an app that is developed by anyone else. You can use the internet or sources to find app ideas, but you must not copy them. You must also reference any ideas you use within your code/video.
Your app should have the following basic functionality:
1.Load and display an image,
2.Rotate, scale, and crop the image,
3.Type text on the image,
4.Save the processed image.
A good app is expected to be like the image processing app Meitu. Apart from the basic functionality, it should have the following advanced functionality:
1.Load and display multiple images,
2.Advanced image processing techniques, such as changing the contrast, brightness, and saturation of an image, sharpen/blur an image,
3.Good coding practice, e.g., structure, function, and comments.
Part 2 – App Demonstration Video
Your app demonstration, made as a video from the entire group, should meet the following requirements:
1.Up to 5 minutes.
2.Clearly demos all aspects of the app such as app intro, app layout, how to use it, etc.
3.Use speech, sound, and text to make app demonstration more structured and easier to understand.
4.Edit appropriately, so it comes across as professional.
Each individual also needs to submit a peer review form indicating their own contribution to the project and that of the colleagues in their group. A form is provided to complete for this aspect.
Deadline for Submission: 23:59 on Sunday 29th of September
Hand in Method: The code and video should be submitted by one group member through My Dundee. Each individual must also submit a peer review form.
Date Feedback will be Received by: You will receive written feedback and a grade on My Dundee by Sunday, 20th October.
Penalty for Late Submission: One grade point per day late (meaning if a submission is one day late and marked as a C2, it will receive a C3 grade). A day is defined as each 24-hour period following the submission deadline, including weekends and holidays. Assignments submitted more than 5 days after the agreed deadline will receive a zero mark (AB).
Academic Misconduct
You are allowed to use AI in this assignment to do the following only:
Brainstorming and idea generation when developing the app and making the video.
Generating graphics and images for inclusion in the app and video.
Help improve your grammar or structure of the app demonstration video.
Debugging code.
However, you must be transparent in acknowledging, describing and referencing how you have used AI. This must be included in the use of AI declaration at the start of your code and at the end of your video. Failure to do so is academic misconduct.
Plagiarism means using someone else’s work without giving them proper credit. In academic writing, plagiarising involves using words, ideas, or information from a source without citing it correctly. You must provide full citations in the references for all sources used in this assignment. Failure to do so is academic misconduct.
See the policy at: https://www.dundee.ac.uk/corporate-information/code-practice-academic-misconduct-students to learn more about academic misconduct and the punishments for committing these offences.
Marking Criteria:
App Development 40%
Interface 12%
Functionality 16%
**3;Coding Practice 12%
English 50%
**3;App Demonstration Video 50%
Class Participation 10%
**3;Peer Reviews 10%
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