
代做MSE 280、代写MATLAB编程设计
代做MSE 280、代写MATLAB编程设计

时间:2024-12-15  来源:合肥网hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要纠错

Final Project Fall 2024
Your group has been assigned the project below. The assessment of the project will be for
you and your group to write MATLAB scripts to solve the problem and to write a formal
report. The grading of the final project will be weighted as:
Project Codes: 40%
Project Report: 60%
All project codes should include a general script for initiating the program and any
necessary function codes. The scripts should be user friendly and not allow for any error
messaging to occur when run. Make sure comments are placed throughout the coding
script highlighting the important details of the program. Your group name, date, and title
of the project should be included in the script.
For the report, the following sections are required to showcase your understanding of the
project and the results:
1. Abstract: Overall description and conclusions of the project assignment.
2. Introduction: Describe the problem and the objectives.
3. Methods: Summarizes your approach and procedures to obtain objectives.
4. Discussion: Present your findings and discuss the outcomes.
5. Conclusion: Final remarks and summary of report
6. References: Properly mark references within the report and list them at the
A template for the proper structure of a report has been provided to you on D2L. The final
project will be due on December 19th at 5pm. You will upload to D2L all of your m-files
and the final report document as a PDF.
Project Problem
An insect is sitting on the north pole of a spherical globe. She decides to walk to the south
pole while circling around the globe. Assume that both the longitude (azimuth angle) and
latitude (elevation angle) coordinates of the insect are linear functions of time. For example, her
trajectory can be seen in Figure 2 if she makes six circles around the north-south axis of a
10 cm radius globe.
Your code should calculate the length of the spiral path taken by the insect. Your program
will ask for a set radius of the globe, and the number of times she encircles the globe. It
will then plot the path, and display the length of the path. You need to check that the
calculated path length does not change by more than the convergence tolerance when the
number of points along the path is doubled. Useful Matlab functions for this problem
include linspace, plot3, and sph2cart.
Figure 1: Path of an insect as it travels from the north to the south with six rotations around the 10 cm radius

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  • 上一篇:代写JC4004编程、代做Python设计程序
  • 下一篇:CS 538代做、代写Python/Java语言编程
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