School of Engineering
Coursework Title: State Driven Design of a Sequential Ladder Diagram Program.
Module Name: Automation and IoT
Module Code: 6570USST
Level: 6
Credit Rating: 20
Weighting: Pass/Fail to Support the 20% Quiz Component
Lecturer: Ping Liu
Contact: If you have any issues with this coursework you may contact
your lecturer. Contact details are:
Room: T606
Issue Date: Week 10
Hand-in Date: Week 12
Hand-in Method: Submission on Moodle
Feedback Date: Week 12
Feedback Method: Feedback will be via the associated Moodle Quiz
Programmes: MBEng EEE Suite
This assignment is an exercise in State Driven Design using ladder software
Learning Outcomes to be assessed
LO2, LO3
Coursework Specification
State Driven Design of a Sequential Ladder Diagram Program.
Assignment 2 – Ladder Based State Design Exercise, PUFFIN Crossing
The objective of this exercise is to use State Design methods to produce a simple sequential system
using Ladder Diagram programming.
A system that should be familiar to most people will be used, the PUFFIN pedestrian crossing. The
PUFFIN crossing replaced the earlier PELICAN crossing and is now the standard UK pedestrian
The crossing is called PUFFIN to reflect its behaviour as a Pedestrian User Friendly INtelligent
Crossing (and clearly to give it a silly bird’s name like the previous crossing).
The objectives of the change were to:
• Remove the PELICAN crossing’s flashing amber / flashing green man state, which led to
pedestrian confusion and accidents due to over aggressive driving.
• Have the same light sequence for car drivers as other UK traffic lights.
• Move the pedestrian lights from the far side of the road to the near side, in a position where
pedestrians are more likely to see traffic approaching from the right (fig.1).
• Introduce sensors to detect when pedestrians had completed crossing, so that drivers are
not held waiting at an empty crossing.
Figure 1. PUFFIN Pedestrian display and control unit The crossing you are to program is known as a “Mid-block” crossing, which is the simplest type
where the crossing is situated well away from a road junction.
You are to make the following assumptions about the crossing hardware.
The pedestrian buttons are normally open, momentary action push-buttons. The buttons on each
side of the road are connected together in a “wired OR” configuration, so that only a single PLC input
is required. TRUE means one of the buttons is currently pressed.
The pedestrian detection circuit is designed to give a TRUE signal when there are no pedestrians
waiting on either side or on the crossing. Again, a single PLC input is used.
The system is mains powered, single phase 240VAC. No output requires more than 1 amp.
Figure 2. This State Diagram describes the required behaviour of the system.
Traffic light abbreviations R = RED, A = AMBER, G = GREEN
Pedestrian display abbreviations RM = RED MAN, GM = GREEN MAN, W = WAIT
TNen = 1 means enable timer TN, TN elapsed means timer TN Present Value has reached Set Point
Use PicoSoft6 Software to program the PUFFIN crossing described by the State Diagram in figure 2
using Ladder Programming language. You can add clear comments in your program.
If you are unfamiliar with PUFFIN Crossings this video might help.
Before you start programming, set up the Configuration to assign an appropriate PLC and any
extension modules required.
Your solution ladder program must produce the behaviour specified by the State Diagram given,
even if you think the State Diagram is not a perfect match to the behaviour of a real PUFFIN crossing!
It has been simplified deliberately. Don’t add any extra “features”.
No timer Set Points are indicated on the State Diagram. You should choose sensible values. It might
be a good idea to use shorter than normal values while developing the system, only changing to
realistic values when the system is working properly.
Create a single PDF report that includes:
1) Cover sheet.
2) Choose an appropriate controller and provide reasons.
3) STATE/OUTPUT table.
4) Briefly describe the procedures you used to test your program.
5) Formal printout of your program in ANSI format from Picosfot.
Note: The total number of pages for sections 2) to 4) should not exceed two pages.
This is a Pass/Fail component. You must demonstrate your program and submit report to Moodle in
PDF format to be successful.
The associated quiz will test you on the process, programming and advantages/disadvantages etc. of
sequential logic design methods.
Guide to Performance Criteria
70% and above:
Your work must be of outstanding quality and fully meet the requirements of the coursework
specification and learning outcomes stated. You must show independent thinking and apply
this to your work showing originality and consideration of key issues. There must be evidence
of wider reading on the subject.
60% - 70%:
Your work must be of good quality and meet the requirements of the coursework specification
and learning outcomes stated. You must demonstrate some originality in your work and show
this by applying new learning to the key issues of the coursework. There must be evidence of
wider reading on the subject.
50% - 60%:
Your work must be comprehensive and meet all of the requirements stated by the coursework
specification and learning outcomes. You must show a good understanding of the key
concepts and be able to apply them to solve the problem set by the coursework. There must
be enough depth to your work to provide evidence of wider reading.
40% - 50%:
Your work must be of a standard that meets the requirements stated by the coursework
specification and learning outcomes. You must show a reasonable level of understanding of
the key concepts and principles and you must have applied this knowledge to the coursework
problem. There should be some evidence of wider reading.
Below 40%:
Your work is of poor quality and does not meet the requirements stated by the coursework
specification and learning outcomes. There is a lack of understanding of key concepts and
knowledge and no evidence of wider reading.
AHEP4 Outcomes to be assessed
M4 Select and critically evaluate technical literature and other sources of information
to solve complex problems.
M6 Apply an integrated or systems approach to the solution of complex problems. M10
Adopt a holistic and proportionate approach to the mitigation of security risks.
M11 Adopt an inclusive approach to engineering practice and recognise the
responsibilities, benefits and importance of supporting equality, diversity and
Extenuating Circumstances
If something serious happens that means that you will not be able to complete this
assignment, you need to contact the module leader as soon as possible. There are a number
of things that can be done to help, such as extensions, waivers and alternative assessments,
but we can only arrange this if you tell us. To ensure that the system is not abused, you will
need to provide some evidence of the problem.
Any coursework submitted late without the prior agreement of the module leader will
receive 0 marks.
Academic Misconduct
The University defines Academic Misconduct as ‘any case of deliberate, premeditated
cheating, collusion, plagiarism or falsification of information, in an attempt to deceive and gain
an unfair advantage in assessment’. The School takes Academic Misconduct very seriously
and any suspected cases will be investigated through the University’s standard policy. If you
are found guilty, you may be expelled from the University with no award.
It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand what constitutes Academic
Misconduct and to ensure that you do not break the rules. If you are unclear about what
is required, please ask.
Cheating includes:
(i) any form of communication with, or copying from, any other source during an
(ii) communicating during an examination with any person other than an authorised
member of staff;
(iii) introducing any written, printed or other material into an examination (including
electronically stored information) other than that specified in the rubric of the
examination paper;
(iv) gaining access to unauthorised material in any way during or before an
(v) the use of mobile phones or any other communication device during an
assessment or examination;
(vi) the submission of false claims of previously gained qualifications, research or
experience in order to gain credit for prior learning;
(vii) the falsification of research data, the presentation of another’s data as one’s own,
and any other forms of misrepresentation in order to gain advantage;
(viii) the submission of work for assessment that has already been submitted as all or
part of the assessment for another module without the prior knowledge and
consent of the Module Leader for the subsequent assessments;
(ix) the submission of material purchased or commissioned from a third party, such
as an essay-writing service, as one’s own.
Plagiarism is defined as the representation of the work, artefacts or designs, written or
otherwise, of any other person, from any source whatsoever, as the student's own.
Examples of plagiarism may be as follows:
i) the verbatim copying of another's work without clear identification and
acknowledgement including the downloading of materials from the Internet
without proper referencing of materials;
ii) the paraphrasing of another's work by simply changing a few words or altering
the order of presentation, without clear identification and acknowledgement;
iii) the unidentified and unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another's work;
iv) the deliberate and detailed presentation of another's concept as one's own.
Collusion includes:
(i) the conscious collaboration, without official approval, between two or more
students in the preparation and production of work which is ultimately submitted
by each in an identical or substantially similar form and/or is represented by
each to be the product of his or her individual efforts; (ii) collusion also occurs where there is unauthorised co-operation between a
student and another person in the preparation and production of work which is
presented as the student's own.
For more information you are directed to following the University web pages
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