

时间:2024-12-03  来源:合肥网hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要纠错

ECE2810J — Data Structures
and Algorithms
Programming Assignment 3
— UM-SJTU-JI (Fall 2024)
• Submission: on JOJ
• Due at Dec 1st, 2024, by 23:59
1 Introduction
In this assignment, you are tasked with implementing a C++ solution to a simpliffed version of the “sokoban” game,
where the objective is to push speciffc boxes to designated target positions on a grid. The challenge lies in devising an
efffcient strategy to navigate the grid, avoid obstacles, and ensure that all required boxes reach their target locations.
Your program should be able to handle various conffgurations of boxes, walls, and goals, ensuring the correct boxes are
pushed to their intended destinations. This project is C++ only, no other language is allowed.
2 Programming Assignment
2.1 Read Map
The map is designed as a grid where each cell is either a walkable path, a wall, or a point of interest (like the starting
point or a box). The ffrst line of the ffle deffnes the dimensions of the map in terms of columns and rows. The rest of
the ffle speciffes the content of each cell in the grid, using a series of symbols to represent different elements:
• . - Path: This represents a walkable path where the player can move freely. Boxes can also be pushed across
this type of cell.
• # - Wall: This represents an impassable barrier. Neither the player nor the boxes can pass through these cells.
• S - Starting Point: This is where the player begins. Each map should contain exactly one S character.
• B - Box’s Original Position: The initial position of a box.
• T - Target Position for Boxes: The destination cell for a box.
• R - Box at Target Position: This indicates that a box has been successfully pushed to its target position.
To ensure a valid and challenging map, the following constraints must be met:
(1) The outermost boundary of the map must be composed entirely of walls (#) to prevent the player or boxes from
exiting the map area.
(2) Each map must contain exactly one starting point (S).
(3) For test cases of the ffrst part on JOJ, the number of boxes (B) will be less or equal to 8 and the result of rows
times columns should be less or equal to 800.
(4) For test cases released on Canvas, it can be very complicated.
The player can move in four cardinal directions:
• Up
1• Down
• Left
• Right
The player can push a box if it is adjacent in one of these directions, and if the cell behind the box in that direction is
a path (.). Boxes can only be pushed. In other words, they cannot be pulled. Only one box can be pushed at a time,
and the player must move to the former box’s position after pushing it.
Below is an example of a map conffguration ffle. In this example, the map size is speciffed on the ffrst line as 11 10,
indicating 10 rows and 11 columns. The outer boundary is composed of walls (#), while inner cells deffne paths, the
starting point, box positions, and target positions.
11 10
2.2 Search routes
Help the player to ffnd the shortest route to push all the boxes to the expected place. Please notice that it is possible
that there are multiple boxes and multiple target positions. The player should push all the boxes to the target positions.
2.3 Show the route
The task requires the program to display the player’s route on the map, detailing each movement step-by-step. Each
step should be represented by a character indicating the direction moved:
• U for up
• R for right
• L for left
• D for down
For instance, given the map conffguration shown, the route may look like:
This format will be used as the return value of the solve function provided in the template code.
Bonus Requirements
(1) Display the map, player, boxes, and other elements at each step using the same format as the input map. Store
all the map state in a ffle, ensuring it is clear and easy to read.
2(2) Use a graphical interface to visually represent each step, showing the map, player, boxes, and other elements in
their updated positions. The output should be displayed as an animation, with each step shown for a brief period
before transitioning to the next step.
2.4 Unsolvable Maps
In some cases, a map conffguration may be unsolvable due to the positioning of walls or boxes, creating an impasse
that prevents the player from reaching all targets. Such conffgurations are referred to as “invalid maps.” This occurs
when one or more boxes are placed in positions from which they cannot be moved to their designated target cells.
A map is considered invalid if:
• There is more than one starting point or no starting point.
• There are more boxes than target positions.
• A box is surrounded by walls or other boxes in a way that makes it immovable.
• Any box is placed in a corner or against a wall where it has no path to the target position.
The following example demonstrates a typical invalid map layout:
11 10
In this map: The box (B) is located next to walls on two sides, which prevents it from being moved toward the target
position (P).
When the program encounters such a conffguration, it should recognize the situation as unsolvable and output a
message as “No solution!” The program should then terminate without attempting to ffnd a solution or display a route.
3 Input / Output
As mentioned above, the input map is stored in a ffle. To test your program, you can use the following command to
read the map from a ffle:
1 ./main < inputMap.txt
For submission on JOJ, the output (i.e. the return value of the function) should either be “No solution!” or the route
to push all the boxes to the target positions.
If you have implemented the ffrst bonus requirements, you should ffrst display the steps in the format mentioned above,
and then display the map at each step. We highly recommend you to store the map at all steps in a ffle. For example,
if the output is stored in a ffle named output.txt, you can use the following command:
31 ./main < inputMap.txt > output.txt
If you have implemented the second bonus requirements, you should display the map in a graphical interface.
4 Submission
(1) For part 1 and part 3 on JOJ, submit your source code in one ffle named sokoban.hpp. Your source code should
include a function named solve and a function named read_map. The test cases in part 1 and part 3 are similar,
but part 3 has stricter time and memory limitations.
(2) For part 2 on JOJ, put the detailed route output in the answers part in sokoban.hpp. The test cases will be
released on canvas, which may take a long time for your program to run. Please notice that part 2 and bonus
will be graded if and only if you can pass 70 percent of the test cases in part 1.
(3) Submit the source code for part 2 on Canvas along with a corresponding Makefile to compile the source code.
(i.e. The code you used to get answer for part 2 on JOJ. ) A sample Makefile is provided on Canvas, which
you may modify as needed. Your code submitted on Canvas should be able to compile successfully and output
the detailed route with the corresponding input ffle.
(4) (Optional) If you have implemented the ffrst bonus requirement, you also need to submit the output ffles on
Canvas. The naming format should match the original ffle name. For example, if the input ffle is named big_1.in,
the output ffle should be named big_1_detail.out. Failure to follow the correct naming format will result in
an invalid submission. You only need to submit the output ffle for one test case.
(5) (Optional) If you have implemented the second bonus requirement. You may come to the TA’s offfce hours
to demonstrate your program. The due date will be the same. The TA will give you a score based on the
Basic Tips for Optimizing Your Program
• What is a freeze deadlock?
• List common freeze deadlocks.
• Analyze the pros and cons of adding more deadlock detections.
• How much memory do you need to store a “state”?
• With 100 bits, how many states can you store?
• If visiting one state takes 1ns, how much time will it take to visit through all possible states represented by 100
• How much information do you need to backtrace a path?
C++ Features
• Is std::pair fast or slow?
• How many temporary objects have you created in each iteration? Are they really necessary?
45 Implementation Requirements and Restrictions
5.1 Requirements
• You must make sure that your code compiles successfully on a Linux operating system with g++ and the options
-std=c++1z -Wall -Wextra -Werror -pedantic -Wno-unused-result -Wconversion -Wvla.
• You can use any header ffle deffned in the C++17 standard. You can use cppreference as a reference.
5.2 Memory Leak
You may not leak memory in any way. To help you see if you are leaking memory, you may wish to call valgrind, which
can tell whether you have any memory leaks. (You need to install valgrind ffrst if your system does not have this
program.) The command to check memory leak is:
valgrind --leak-check=full <COMMAND>
You should replace <COMMAND> with the actual command you use to issue the program under testing. For example, if
you want to check whether running program
./main < input.txt
causes memory leak, then <COMMAND> should be “./main < input.txt”. Thus, the command will be
valgrind --leak-check=full ./main < input.txt
5.3 Code Quality
We will use cpplint, cppcheck to check your code quality. If your code does not pass these checks, you will lose some
For cpplint, you can use the following command to check your code quality:
1 cpplint --linelength=120
,→ --filter=-legal,-readability/casting,-whitespace,-runtime/printf,
2 -runtime/threadsafe_fn,-readability/todo,-build/include_subdir,-build/header_guard
,→ *.h *.cpp
For cppcheck, only things related to error will lead to deduction. You can use the following command to check your
code quality:
1 cppcheck --enable=all *.cpp
6 Grading
6.1 Correctness
We will use the test cases on JOJ and Canvas to verify the correctness of your code. This section will have a total
score of 100 points. Your score will be calculated as follows:
score in part 1 + score in part 2 + score in part 3
Please notice that the total points on JOJ will be 2150 with 1000 points for part 1, 400 points for part 2, and 750
points for part 3. You only need to get 1400 points on JOJ to get full score in this section.
56.2 Code Quality
Bad code quality will lead to a deduction of up to 20 points, which will be applied directly to your final score.
6.3 Bonus
For the first bonus requirement, you can get up to 10 points. For the second bonus requirement, you can get up to
30 points. The total score for the whole project will not exceed 130 points.
7 Late Policy
Same as the course policy.
8 Honor Code
Please DO NOT violate honor code.
Some behaviors that are considered as cheating:
• Reading another student’s answer/code, including keeping a copy of another student’s answer/code
• Copying another student’s answer/code, in whole or in part
• Having someone else write part of your assignment
• Using test cases of another student
• Testing your code with another one’s account
• Post your code to github
• Using any kind of AI tools to solve the problem
9 Acknowledgement
This programming assignment is designed based on ENGR1510J Lab 3 and ENGR1510J Project 3.

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