

时间:2024-11-15  来源:合肥网hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要纠错

IEMS5**1 Software Design and Development (Fall 2024)
Individual Course Project Specification - MasterMind
Expected time: 10 hours
Learning outcomes:
1. To practise GUI buttons, labels and panels in Java.
2. To experience the MVC pattern via a GUI MasterMind.
1. Do your own work. You are welcome to discuss the problems with your fellow
classmates. Sharing ideas is great, and do write your own explanations.
2. If you use help from the AI tools, e.g. ChatGPT, write clearly how much you obtain help
from the AI tools. No marks will be taken away for using any AI tools with a clear
3. All work should be submitted onto the blackboard before the due date.
4. You are advised to submit a compressed file (.zip/.rar) containing your project. No
reports are required in the individual course project.
5. You only need to submit one project, containing all your work (completed tasks).
6. No submissions for the individual course project will result in failing the course.
7. If your work is not compilable or executable, you will receive zero marks.
8. Due date: 27th November, 2024 (Wednesday) 23:59
Summary of the Tasks:
You are advised to implement the MasterMind based on the steps below (capped by 100%).
1. Basic information (10%)
2. Background of the panel (10%)
3. Text color and text style (20%)
4. Pop-up game ended panel (20%)
5. JUnit tests on SimpleButton.java (20%)
6. Image icons and pegs (20%)
7. More types of pegs (20%)
Summary of the Project Skeleton:
In the provided project skeleton, it is a complete MasterMind game written by Peter Mitchell
(source: https://github.com/Squirrelbear/MasterMind/tree/main/MasterMind/src). It means
that your project is a compilable and executable one. If your submitted work is not
compilable, or is not executable, you will not receive any scores from the individual course
You need to use the provided skeleton. If you rewrite the whole MasterMind, or put
everything into a big class, you will not receive any scores from the individual course project.
There are eight classes in this project skeleton. MasterMind.java is the main program.
SimpleButton.java creates the color pegs. The image below shows four simple buttons
(pegs). If the pegs are on the lowest level, clicking the peg changes its color. The order of
the color change is: white → black → red → yellow → blue → green → white. If the pegs are
not on the lowest level, the color of the pegs are fixed and unchangeable.
PuzzleCombination.java is a collection of four pegs, so the image above is a puzzle
combination panel.
SimpleTextButton.java creates the submit button.
ResultPanel.java shows a pair of strings, including the hints on the number of combination
positions with correct colour and position.
AttemptPanel.java creates a single line of game trial, including the attempt number, puzzle
combination panel and result panel.
GameEndedPanel.java represents an overlay dialogue that shows a victory or loss
message when the game has ended. The player loses after making 12 incorrect trials.
Correct answer is displayed on the game ended panel as well. After clicking “R”, the game
will generate a new answer and restart the game.
GamePanel.java controls the game states. It includes:
● Playing: allows mouse input to play the game.
● GameWon: When a correct combination is entered and submit is hit.
● GameLost: When the maximum number of attempts has been made.
Task 1: Basic information (10%)
In this task, you should include all basic components of your project, including:
● The submitted project can be executed on eclipse without any errors.
● Your name and student ID are filled in the comment of the MasterMind.java.
● The declaration of academic honesty and use of AI tools is filled in the comment of
the MasterMind.java.
● The title of the application is updated to your student ID.
Task 2: Background of the panel (10%)
In this task, you are going to update the background of the panel:
● If your student ID is an odd number, the background color is changed to pale brown
(Wooden style)
● If your student ID is an even number, the background color is changed to light beige
(Ocean style)
● Hint: You can look for the method setBackground() in the constructor of
Task 3: Text color and text style (20%)
In this task, you are going to update the text color and text style:
● Text within the same attempt panel should have the same text color (including
attempt number and hint strings).
● Different attempt numbers should have different text colors.
● The two hint strings in the same attempt panel should have different text styles.
● Hint: focus on AttemptPanel.java and ResultPanel.java for this task.
Task 4: Pop-up game ended panel (20%)
In this task, you are updating the implementation of the game ended panel from a drawing
on the game panel to a drawing on a pop-up panel.
In addition, add a restart button (JButton) on the pop-up panel so that:
● After clicking the restart button, the game is reset with a new solution.
● The original mechanism (clicking “R” on the keyboard) does not work anymore.
Task 5: JUnit tests on SimpleButton.java (20%)
In this task, you are going to perform unit testing on SimpleButton.java:
● Create a new JUnit class called SimpleButtonTest.java.
● Design and write a test case for the method isClicked(int, int).
● Design and write another test case for the method getActionCode().
● Use 3A principle in writing the test cases.
● Explain your test cases using comments.
● Give meaningful method names to the test cases.
Task 6: Image icons and pegs (20%)
In this task, you are going to use the image button to replace the color button for the pegs.
● Let n be the last two digits of your student ID, for example, if your student ID is
1155123456, n = 56.
● If n is divisible by 3, then use gemstone icons to replace the buttons, for example,
emerald, pearl, ruby, … etc.
● When n is divided by 3, the remainder is 1, then use fruit icons to replace the color
buttons, for example, apple, orange, banana, … etc.
● When n is divided by 3, the remainder is 2, then use flower icons to replace the color
buttons, for example, sunflower, lotus, lily, … etc.
Task 7: More types of pegs (20%)
This task is challenging.
In this task, you are going to add one more type of the peg to the MasterMind.
● The type of pegs is updated from {white → black → red → yellow → blue → green →
white} to {white → black → red → yellow → blue → green → purple → white}.
● If you completed task 6, you can use the image icon to replace the purple peg.
● Besides the SimpleButton.java (model and view), you may need to update the
GamePanel.java (controller).
● Reading others' code is tough. And you are going to change others’ code.
< End of Specification >
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