CP3405 Starting-point Document
Excerpts from a CP2408 Lean UX Project
This document is the foundation for your CP3405 project this trimester. The following sections describe the Lean UX iterations completed by a previous CP2408 team, which you were not part of before. It aims to give you the experience of continuing an ongoing project rather than starting anew, likely a new challenge!
Please refer to Assessment Task 3 Part 1 for details about the first part of your CP3405 Scrum project, the Pilot Study.
Iteration 1
Title of Initiative: Augmented Reality Educational Game Development Date: Oct 6th
1. Business Problem
• Problem Statement: Traditional educational methods often fail to maintain
student engagement, especially given digital distractions.
• Market Trends: Growing integration of interactive technology like AR in education.
• Customer Behaviour: Increasing demand for engaging and interactive educational
2. Business Outcomes
• Success Metrics: Number of teachers interested in participating in further
development, quality of feedback collected, initial indicators of teacher and
potential student engagement.
• Indicators of Success: Positive feedback on the concept of AR in classrooms, the
willingness of teachers to explore AR tools, and actionable suggestions for AR
3. Users
• Primary Users: Teachers at middle and high school levels.
• Secondary Users: Educational administrators and students.
4. User Outcomes & Benefits (Anticipated)
• Teacher Benefits: Access to innovative tools that increase student engagement,
enhanced ability to convey complex concepts, and professional development in
modern educational technologies.
• Student Benefits: Improved engagement and comprehension through interactive
AR learning experiences.
5. Solutions
• Initial Approach: Create a detailed presentation to educate and engage teachers
about the benefits of AR in education.
• Engagement Strategy: Conduct interviews with teachers post-presentation to
gather their insights and requirements.
6. Hypotheses
• Hypothesis Statement: "We believe that teacher adoption of AR tools in the classroom will increase if they understand the benefits and participate in the development process."
7. What’s the most important thing we need to learn first?
• Key Assumption: Teachers are open to using AR technology and see its potential
value in enhancing student engagement.
• Focus Area: Teacher familiarity with AR, openness to technological integration,
and specific educational needs that AR could address.
8. What’s the least amount of work we need to do to learn the next most important thing?
• Minimal Action: Develop and present an informative session about AR applications in education to a group of teachers.
• Evaluation Approach: Use surveys and interviews post-presentation to collect qualitative and quantitative data on teacher responses.
Outcomes of Iteration 1 MVP (presentation and interviews)
**3; Conceptual Approval:
• Teachers were excited about AR’s potential to make learning about the solar
system more engaging, especially through the demonstration of planetary
• Teachers appreciated the idea of using AR to help students visualise the vast
distances between the planets and the sun, noting how this could address common
misconceptions about the solar system's scale. **3; Desired Features:
• Focus on Scale and Distance: Teachers emphasised the importance of accurately depicting the distances between planets. They felt that an AR tool that could effectively scale these distances would be far more engaging than static images or traditional classroom models.
• Interactivity: Teachers wanted students to be able to interact with the AR models by zooming in and out to explore the vast distances and get a sense of scale.
**3; Educational Content:
• Layered Information on Distances: Teachers suggested starting with an overview
of the entire solar system and allowing students to zoom in on individual planets while showing the relative distances. They stressed that the distances should be visually impactful and scientifically accurate.
**3; Classroom Integration:
• Lesson Plans: Teachers expressed the need for lesson plans specifically focused on
using AR to demonstrate planetary distances. These plans should guide how to incorporate the AR tool into classroom activities, making it easier to teach the scale of the solar system.
• Guided Exploration: Teachers requested that the AR tool include a guided exploration feature that walks students through the distances between the planets, highlighting interesting facts about their orbits and positioning in the solar system.
**3; Technical Considerations:
• Ease of Use: Teachers reiterated that the AR tool should be easy to set up and use in the classroom. Minimal setup time was a key requirement to ensure smooth integration into lessons.
• Compatibility: The tool should work across commonly available devices in schools, ensuring that no students are left out due to hardware limitations.
**3; Feedback and Iteration:
• Pilot Program: Teachers recommended starting with a small pilot program that
focuses on solar system distances to test how well the AR tool enhances student
understanding of this specific concept.
• Continued Feedback: Teachers encouraged ongoing feedback collection during the
pilot to ensure the AR tool evolves based on real classroom experiences and insights into how well it communicates planetary distances.
Iteration 2
Title of Initiative: Augmented Reality Educational Game Development Date: Oct 20th
1. Business Problem:
o Problem Statement: Teachers need an effective and engaging tool to demonstrate the relative distances between the planets and the sun, which traditional teaching methods often fail to illustrate in a meaningful and realistic way.
o Market Trends: Increasing demand for immersive and interactive educational tools, especially in astronomy and science education.
o Customer Behavior: Teachers are seeking innovative ways to improve student comprehension of abstract concepts, like astronomical distances, through AR technology.
2. Business Outcomes:
o Success Metrics: Quality of feedback on how effectively the AR tool represents
planetary distances, clarity in understanding teachers’ educational needs, and
readiness to move toward a more complex prototype.
o Indicators of Success: Teachers can clearly visualise the potential of AR to
represent planetary distances, express confidence in using such a tool for education, and provide actionable feedback on AR content for future development.
3. Users:
o Primary Users: Teachers at middle and high school levels teaching astronomy. o Secondary Users: Educational administrators evaluating the tool for broader
curriculum integration.
4. User Outcomes & Benefits (Anticipated):
o Teacher Benefits:
A tool to help explain the vast distances between planets in a more
intuitive and interactive way.
Improved confidence in teaching difficult concepts through innovative
Opportunity for professional development in modern educational technologies.
5. Solutions:
o Current Approach: Create paper prototypes and cardboard models to illustrate
how AR will represent the relative distances between planets and the sun.
These models will be used in interactive sessions with teachers.
o User Interaction Focus: Use the paper prototype to gather teacher feedback
on the effectiveness of the AR simulation, specifically focusing on the accurate
representation of distances. 6. Hypotheses:
o Hypothesis Statement: "We believe that teachers will find AR simulations of planetary distances more effective and engaging for teaching astronomy concepts if they experience a realistic representation of these distances."
7. What’s the most important thing we need to learn first?:
o Key Assumption: Teachers will find value in using AR to depict the scale of the
solar system and believe it improves students’ conceptual understanding.
o Focus Area: Validate whether the AR representation of distances aligns with
teachers' needs and expectations.
8. What’s the least amount of work we need to do to learn the next most important
o Minimal Actionable Step: Develop a paper prototype to visualise the distances
between planets, focusing on scale and relativity. Test with teachers to
evaluate engagement and feedback.
o Evaluation Method: Structured interviews, surveys, and observations during
the interactive prototype testing sessions to capture feedback on AR’s potential impact on teaching planetary distances.
Outcomes of Iteration 2 MVP (paper prototype)
**3; Engagement with the Concept of Distance:
• "The prototype does a great job of visually representing the relative distances
between planets. I immediately saw how this could capture students' attention in a
way that traditional diagrams can't."
• "The physical interaction of moving planets around gave me a better understanding
of how the AR tool would work in a classroom. It’s an excellent way to simplify a
very abstract concept like astronomical distances." **3; Visual Representation of Scale:
• "While the paper model is effective in showing relative distances, we need to ensure that in the AR version, the distances between planets feel even more dramatic. Students often struggle to grasp just how far apart these celestial bodies are."
• "The concept of scale was well-represented, but there’s a need for clear markers or reference points, perhaps using familiar objects or distances, so students can truly grasp the magnitude of the solar system."
**3; Educational Impact:
• "I can see how this tool could be a game-changer for our class work. Students often have trouble visualising how the planets are spaced, and this could bridge that gap, making the content more accessible and engaging."
• "This would certainly help address the misconception many students have about the uniform spacing of planets. The AR tool could help them understand that distances between planets vary dramatically."
**3; Potential Improvements:
• "It would be great if the AR simulation could incorporate a feature that shows
planets in motion, so students can see how the distances change as they orbit the
sun. That could make the experience even more dynamic."
• "We need to make sure that the AR tool can show both a zoomed-in view for detail
and a zoomed-out view for scale. Switching between these perspectives could help students understand both the planets individually and their relationships to one another."
**3; Ease of Use and Classroom Integration:
• "The prototype seems simple enough to use, and I imagine the AR tool would be
intuitive as well. But we’ll need to ensure that it integrates easily into existing
lesson plans without requiring too much setup or technical knowledge."
• "One suggestion is to include a guided mode where the AR tool leads students
through the distances between planets step by step. This would be particularly
useful for self-paced learning or group work." **3; Additional Features:
• "I would love to see more interactive features, like quizzes built into the AR tool, where students could test their knowledge of planetary distances after exploring the model."
• "A feature that allows students to compare planetary distances to everyday distances on Earth, like the distance between cities, could help make the concept even more relatable."
**3; Overall Feedback:
• "This is a great starting point. The prototype effectively demonstrates the
potential of AR to enhance teaching about the solar system. I’m excited to see how
this could evolve into a digital version that students can engage with in real-time."
• "The idea of using AR to teach planetary distances is very promising. I think this
tool will help make complex astronomical concepts more approachable and engaging for students, and I’m eager to see the next iteration."
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