

时间:2024-09-22  来源:合肥网hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要纠错

Computer Systems, Data Structures and Data Management

4CM508 Assessment Brief – Coursework 1
Dr Muhammad Rizwan

Computer systems, data structures and data management (4CM508)
1.    Module Information    3
Module Leader    3
Key dates and details    3
Description of the assessment    3
Learning Outcomes    3
Assessment Regulations    3
Guidance and Presentation    4
Submission Requirements    4
2.    Assignment    5
Task    5
3.    Marking Rubrics    6

1.Module Information
Module Leader
Key dates and details

Assessment Type:    Individual

Assessment weighting:     50%
Learning Outcomes:    1
Submission Method:    Electronic Submission via Course Resources  
Submission Date:    20th Sep 2024
Provisional Feedback Release Date:    7th Oct 2024
Description of the assessment
Design and analysis of a data engineering solution such as a database (table, structure, formats) for a given scenario.      
Learning Outcomes
1.Design and analyse data management solutions.
Assessment Regulations
The University’s regulations, policies and procedures for students define the framework within which teaching and assessment are conducted. Please make sure you are familiar with these regulations, policies and procedures.

Guidance and Presentation 

You are expected to write up your answers. Your write up should look professional and provide all the necessary information which will be marked via the Blackboard submission.

For more information you should see the rubrics provided.
Submission Requirements
Students are required to submit a word/pdf document that contains answers.
on Course Resources (Blackboard) before the deadline.

Please make sure you have read the marking rubrics for assignment. You will be marked using these.
NOTE: Any suspicion that the work is not your own, either through plagiarism, excessive collaboration or use of generative AI will result in an Oral Examination. This will require you to explain your work, failure to do so will result in a Fail mark.
CraftMasters Art Supplies is a mid-sized retail business located in Mumbai, specializing in selling high-quality art supplies such as paints, brushes, canvases, and crafting materials. They serve a diverse clientele, including professional artists, hobbyists, and art schools. The store employs 5 sales associates who assist customers in finding the right products and manage the day-to-day operations of the store.
Currently, CraftMasters Art Supplies captures all their sales transactions, inventory levels, and customer details using a paper-based system. This manual system has become increasingly inefficient as the business has expanded. They are facing challenges in managing inventory, tracking customer preferences, and processing sales, which often leads to delays, errors, and lost sales opportunities.
Recognizing these issues, CraftMasters Art Supplies has decided to digitize their entire operation. They aim to implement a modern, integrated digital solution that will allow them to streamline inventory management, enhance customer relationship management (CRM), and optimize sales processes.
You have been hired as an external consultant to help CraftMasters Art Supplies transition from their paper-based system to a digital platform. Your responsibilities include analyzing their current operations, designing a tailored digital solution, and overseeing the implementation process to ensure a seamless transition that supports their growing business needs.
Produce a relational database design that captures the current data stored and provide a report (write up) that includes:
Rationale of design choices.
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) that reflects your design. This should include attributes and relationships (cardinality).
The relational database design (Tables, connections between tables, keys, cardinality)
The extensibility of your design that includes 4 SQL query examples working on the database 
[50 Marks]
3.Marking Rubrics

SQL queries marks are included in the Extensibility of Design.     

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