

时间:2024-08-21  来源:合肥网hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要纠错

BISM1201 – Transforming Business with Information Systems
BISM1201 | 2
Assignment Specification Semester 2, 2024
Individual Completion
 This assignment is to be completed individually by each student.
 Discussion with peers is encouraged, but the written work you submit must be entirely your
 Do not share yours or other assignments (present or past) to help your peers.
Due Date
 The assignment is due by FRIDAY 30/08/2024 3:00 PM (Brisbane time).
 Late submissions of more than 10 minutes will incur penalties. Please visit Course Profile for
more details about late submission penalties and extensions.
 Download the answer template and complete with your essays in answer to task questions.
 Submit through Blackboard, Assessment, IS Theory Assignment, Turnitin link to your
 Acceptable formats: Microsoft Word and PDF (Portable Document Format).
 File naming format: BISM1201_StudentLastName_StudentID.pdf. For example, if your ID is
41724943 and your last name is Smith, name your file BISM1201_Smith_41724943.pdf.
 Multiple submissions are allowed before the due date for Turnitin checks; only the last
submission will be marked.
 No hardcopy or email submissions will be accepted.
 See Blackboard Assignment Submission Instructions for more information.
 See Turnitin Assignment Instructions for more information.
Presentation Format
 Follow word length requirements (+/-10%).
 Use your answer template with sections named Question 1 and Question 2.
 Double-spacing, 12-point font, page numbering, and 2.5 cm margins on all sides.
 Proofread for spelling and grammatical errors.
 Documents submitted using other templates will not be accepted.
Referencing and Citing
Base theoretical knowledge in your answers and terminologies on course material.
 Use your own words for reporting other authors’ views and reference properly. Do not copy
and paste online material and other authors’ work in your document.
Direct quotations should be kept very minimal, in quotation marks, and referenced.
 For example, “Nike uses a product differentiation information system strategy because it
allows customers to use its online platform to customise its sneakers. This means that Nike
can use information systems to offer a different value proposition than its competitors (Smith
& Chang, 2010)”.
Provide a real-world example for Question 1, properly referenced using in-text referencing
and included in the reference list. Examples can come from academic journals, industry
journals, online newspapers, organisation websites, magazines etc. The real-world examples
must be referenced according to referencing requirements.
 The real-world examples should NOT be from the slides and our textbook, including
following companies: Apple, Microsoft, Nike, UPS, N26, Adidas, Walmart, MacDonalds,
KFC, Disneyland, Spotify, Zara, NBA, Amazon, Aldi, Tesco, Costco, Tesla, Toyota, Uber,
Airbnb, Facebook
BISM1201 – Transforming Business with Information Systems
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 If the reference source anonymises the real-world company’s name, then you should look for
the anonymised name in the paper and use that. For example, company’s name in the
reference source is anonymised to ‘Company A’. You should use 'Company A’ from the
original reference source. Please make sure you also cite the reference source.
 Use the APA (7th edition) or another approved style as long as you are consistent across the
 See Referencing Style Guides.
Academic Integrity
 Referencing others' work is a key part of academic integrity.
 Please see this link for more information on academic integrity
 Your assignment is checked by Turnitin for similarity with other sources.

BISM1201 – Transforming Business with Information Systems
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The Case
Read the following case and the two questions. The questions require you to do basic analysis of the
case. You must base your answers and terminologies on the material covered in the first 4 weeks of
semester, focusing on information systems theory.
Note: Please ensure not to use the companies mentioned in the referencing and citing section above.
Case: EcoTech Manufacturing
Case Overview: EcoTech Manufacturing is a large corporation specializing in the production of
environmentally friendly consumer electronics. Unlike larger, more traditional electronics
companies, EcoTech’s approach emphasizes sustainability and eco-friendly manufacturing,
offering products designed with minimal environmental impact. Clients include some major
retailers and direct consumers, with engagements typically through large-scale orders and
partnerships with sustainability-focused retailers.
Company’s Challenge: During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, EcoTech Manufacturing faced
significant challenges due to disruptions in supply chains and a shift in consumer behaviour
towards online shopping. Despite an increasing public interest in sustainable products, EcoTech
struggled to fully capitalize on this trend due to its traditional business model and reliance on in-
person sales pitches and trade shows.
Using Porter’s Five Forces, EcoTech identified competitive pressure from emerging online eco-
friendly electronics brands and larger, established companies. This prompted a re-evaluation of
their growth strategies. Although EcoTech serves a niche market of environmentally conscious
consumers, the growing demand for sustainable electronics presents a significant opportunity for
EcoTech’s digital infrastructure, while more advanced than smaller companies, still relies heavily
on outdated systems for scheduling, client communication, supply chain, and inventory
management. They use basic ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems but lack integration
across all business functions. This limited digital adoption has hindered operational efficiency and
scalability. The absence of an advanced Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system means
client interactions and historical data are not optimally managed, leading to gaps in customer
relationship management and business intelligence. Similarly, supply chain interactions and
inventory management for components are partially manual, slowing down production timelines.
EcoTech’s leadership aims to evolve the business to meet current market demands and enhance its
digital capabilities. They recognize the need for more sophisticated and automated processes to
leverage emerging market opportunities in the sustainable electronics sector.
As a business analyst recruited by EcoTech, your task is to advise on the adoption and
implementation of advanced information systems. You will recommend information systems
strategies to help the firm modernize and leverage emerging market opportunities in the sustainable
electronics sector. Additionally, you will help the leadership understand whether to choose a
technology first or define a strategy first and provide justifications for your advice.
Please carefully read your two tasks and use the answer template provided to write your
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Your Two Tasks
Download the Assignment template word document and answer the following questions.
Question 1: Select one of the below information systems strategies and explain how it can help
EcoTech be more competitive (600 words total)
(15 marks).
(i) Low-cost leadership.
(ii) Product differentiation.
(iii) Focus on market niche.
(iv) Either Strengthen customer or Supplier intimacy (Or both).
Note: Provide a real-world example1 for the information systems strategy you identified and show
how it is applicable to the case of EcoTech. Use at least two academic references in your answer.
Question 2: Should management prioritize selecting a specific technology first, or should they focus
on defining their overall strategy before choosing the technology? Explain your reasoning. (200 words
(5 marks).
Note: You do not need to use references in this answer.

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