

时间:2024-08-14  来源:合肥网hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要纠错

159.302 Artificial Intelligence 
Assignment #1 
The 8-Puzzle: Search Algorithms 
Maximum number of members per group: 3 students 
Deadline for submission: 9th of September 
• Your task is to write a C++ program that will solve the 8-puzzle problem using a selection of 
search algorithms, and their variants. 
• The successors of a state are to be generated in a FIXED order, namely move the blank tile: Up, 
Right, Down, then Left. For simplicity, make node insertions into the Q, following the same 
• An AnimateSolution() function has been provided that you can use to animate the sequence of 
moves (i.e. path) calculated by the algorithms. A start-up program (compiles with g++ 13.2) 
with a graphics library and routines for running multiple experiments and for generating 
tabulated results are available for downloading from stream. 
• It is up to you to write any functions, classes or data structures that you may require. However, 
for each of the algorithm, there is a specific STL data structure that is required. You can use 
cout statements to trace the algorithms’ execution. 
• For each implementation of the algorithms below, include codes that will capture the following 
information during the algorithm’s execution. 
a. Max. Q length – e.g. 26 
b. Path length - the number of moves to solve the puzzle, e.g. 30 
c. Number of state expansions – e.g. 157 
d. Actual running time in seconds (use the clock() function as shown in the start-up codes) 
• Write your algorithm implementations inside the skeleton functions provided for the required 
algorithms. Do not change the names and input parameters of these skeleton functions as the 
batch files would refer to them. Each algorithm implementation should return the sequence of 
moves as a string. Moreover, make sure that your program runs with the supplied routines for 
executing multiple experiments (i.e. batch_run), and for generating the tabulated experiment 
results. Your assignments will be marked using them. 
string aStar_ExpandedList (string const initialState, string const goalState, int &pathLength, 
int &numOfStateExpansions, int& maxQLength, float &actualRunningTime, 
int &numOfDeletionsFromMiddleOfHeap, int &numOfLocalLoopsAvoided, 
int &numOfAttemptedNodeReExpansions, heuristicFunction heuristic ) 
Note that the function uses pass by reference to copy the statistical results back to the calling 

 159.302 Artificial Intelligence 
Assignment #1 
Part 1: Uniform Cost Search with the Strict Expanded List 
• Use the following search node pushing sequence (for a Heap data structure): Up, Right, Down, 
• Implement the Q container using the heap data structure implementation - available in the C++ 
Standard Template Library (STL): use make_heap(), push_heap(), pop_heap(), etc. 
Part 2: A* Search with the Strict Expanded List 
• Use the following search node pushing sequence (for a Heap data structure): Up, Right, Down, 
• Implement the Q container using the heap data structure implementation - available in the C++ 
Standard Template Library (STL): use make_heap(), push_heap(), pop_heap(), etc. 
a) Using the Misplaced Tiles heuristic 
b) Using the Sum of Manhattan Distance heuristic 
Part 3: Experiments and Documentation 
Test your implementation of the different algorithms by performing experiments using the 5 given 
(start, goal) state combinations below. Run your program until it either returns a solution, the Q 
becomes empty (no solution), the computer runs out of memory, or until the program crashes. Run 
the program in batch_run all mode to run all the experiments and collect the results easily. 
Tabulate the experiment results in an Excel worksheet by converting the output of the batch file into 
a worksheet. Ensure that the format of your tabulation matches the provided template (see 
results_template.xlsx). Name your Excel file using the following format: results_ID.xlsx 
Example: (e.g., results_20298765.xlsx). 

In addition, assign the name "results" to the sheet containing the experiment results. For a group 
submission, use one of the group member's ID numbers, but make sure to include the names and 
IDs of all members in the checklist Excel file. 
If there is no solution found for a given (start, goal states), simply leave that section blank in the 
table, or write 0 in each of the required statistical measure (e.g. path length, no. of state expansions, 
max q length, running time, etc.). 
Specify under the “comments” section of the tabulation of results if any of the following was 
observed for a given (start, goal state) combination: 
• the program ran out of memory 
• program crashed without any warning 
• the Q turned empty; thus, allowing the program to close properly 

ID number 159.302 Artificial Intelligence 
Assignment #1 
(Start, Goal) State Combinations 
Note: 0 - blank space 
GOAL STATE: ((1 2 3) 
 (4 5 6) 
 (7 8 0)) 
Run the different algorithms on the following START STATES: 
1. 120483765 
2. 208135467 
3. 704851632 
4. 536407182 
5. 638541720 
You can step through the search by including a getch() function (made available via the graphics 
engine provided in the start-up codes) inside your main loop to pause the program until the user 
presses any key. 
Example Sequence: 
 Sequence of states and operations. 
You may choose to represent states in an array, of size 9. The moves must be represented using the 
'u', 'd', 'l', 'r' characters. 
In notation, the sequence s to get to the goal from the initial state could be represented as: 
s = {d,r,u,u,l,d} You may find it helpful to cout something similar to help debug your program. 
Criteria for Marking: 
• Make sure that your program compiles using gcc 13.2 (or later), or clang 15.0 (or later), 
before handing it in. 
• Make sure that you submit a tabulation of all the experiment results, following the 
results_template.xlsx format that comes with the start-up codes package. This will be used 
to accurately analyse your implementation of the algorithms and mark your assignment. You 
will lose 50% of your grade if you fail to perform the required experiments and submit this 
• Submit the accomplished checklist as part of your documentation. Please download the 
checklist.xlsx Excel file from our Stream site, fill-up the worksheet and rename it by 
concatenating your ID number with the word ‘checklist’. 
Name your Excel checklist file using the following format: checklist_ID.xlsx 
Example: (e.g., checklist_20298765.xlsx). 
 ID number 159.302 Artificial Intelligence 
Assignment #1 
• You can work in a group (max. 3 members) for this assignment. 
• Copied work will be given zero marks. 
• Each algorithm implementation will be assessed based on its accuracy and performance on 
the given set of (start/goal) state combinations. 
Nothing follows. 

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  • 上一篇:158.337编程代写、代做Java/Python程序语言
  • 下一篇:代写CSCI 2600、java设计编程代做
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