
代写INFS1603、代做 c++/Java 程序语言

时间:2024-07-29  来源:合肥网hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要纠错

Introduction to Business Databases

Term 2 2024

Event Booking System
Part B
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Table of Contents
1. Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 3
2. IMPORTANT NOTE on File-Sharing Websites – Please read ........................................................... 3
3. Key Dates ......................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Aim of the Assignment (Parts A and B) ........................................................................................... 4
5. Private Group Channel (in Microsoft Teams) .................................................................................. 5
5.1 Microsoft Planner .................................................................................................................. 5
6. Case Study – Event Booking System................................................................................................ 6
6.1 Background ............................................................................................................................ 6
6.2 Your Role ............................................................................................................................... 7
6.3 Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 8
6.4 Entity ...................................................................................................................................... 9
7. Tasks and Deliverables .................................................................................................................. 10
7.1 Proof of Concept Project ..................................................................................................... 10
7.2 Report B: Tasks .................................................................................................................... 10
7.3 Format and Deliverables ..................................................................................................... 14
8. General Rules ................................................................................................................................ 15
8.1 Proper Academic Conduct ................................................................................................... 15
8.2 Usage of AI Tools ................................................................................................................. 15
8.3 Assignment Submission ....................................................................................................... 16
9. Marking Rubrics ............................................................................................................................ 17
10. Self and Peer Assessments ............................................................................................................ 19
11. FAQ ................................................................................................................................................ 21

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1. Overview
For this project, you will be assessed on:
(1) Two written reports (Part A and Part B)
(2) Implement a database system using Oracle in Part B
(3) Pitch presentation in Part B
? The Individual Assessment (Part A) is worth 20% of the marks of the course.
? The Team Assignment (Part B) is worth 25% of the mark of the course. Part B is to
be undertaken in groups of four (or three to fit) students, all of which must be from
the same tutorial/lab. Further information on Part B will be published after Week 05.
Assessment Part B is the focus of this document.
2. IMPORTANT NOTE on File-Sharing Websites – Please
There are some file-sharing websites that specialise in buying and selling academic
work to and from university students.
You should be aware that you would be committing plagiarism if you download a
piece of work from these websites and present it as your own, wholly or partially.
For more information about Academic Integrity and Plagiarism, please click here.
If you upload your original work to these websites, and another student
downloads and presents it as their own either wholly or partially, you might be
found guilty of collusion — even years after graduation.
3. Key Dates
What? When?
Part A Released Week 2.
Assignment Part A Due:
Submission of assignment
written report
Microsoft WORD file submission via Moodle on or before
Friday, 21 June 2024, 11:59 am AEDT (Week 4)
Part B Group Formation Groups of 4 (or 3 to fit), Week 4 tutorial/lab
Assignment Part B Due:
Submission of assignment
written report
Word and ZIP file submission via Moodle on or before
Monday, 29 July 2024, 11:59 am AEST (Week 10)
Pitch presentation file Microsoft POWERPOINT file submission via Moodle on or
before Monday 29 July 2024, 11:59 am AEST (Week 10)
Pitch presentation Week 10 tutorial/lab (presentation in class followed by Q&A)
These file-sharing websites may also accept purchase of course materials,
such as copies of lecture slides and tutorial handouts. By law, the copyright on
course materials (including this assignment brief), developed by UNSW staff
in the course of their employment, belongs to UNSW. It constitutes copyright
infringement, if not plagiarism, to trade these materials.
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4. Aim of the Assignment (Parts A and B)

This course project (individual assignment + team assignment) addresses all the Learning
Outcomes of the course. By completing each requirement of this assignment, you will
demonstrate your mastery of the principles and practice of Business Databases:
 CLO1: Create and apply conceptual and relational database modelling methods.
 CLO2: Design, implement and evaluate database systems.
 CLO3: Access and manipulate a relational database using Structured Query
 CLO4: Collaborate with peers to solve problems and achieve outcomes.
 CLO5: Discuss database ethical issues and elaborate on the privacy and security
implications of Big Data and business analytics.
The assignment aims to design an Entity Relationship (ER) diagram for an Event Booking

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5. Private Group Channel (in Microsoft Teams)
 The teaching team will create a private group channel in Microsoft Teams.
 The name of your private group channel is the same as your group ID.
Only your group members and the teaching team can access your private
group channel. No member from outside the group can access your private
group channel.
 All conversations and files saved in the private group channel remain in the
 The private group channel aims to work as an environment for you to meet,
chat, leave messages, and upload/download files. Moreover, the teaching
team can communicate directly with the group in this channel.
The channel must contain all the posts, files, meeting times, and other group
activities. This is marked as part of PLO3 (Business Communication) and
PLO4 (Teamwork) (see course outline).
Note: myBCom Points are awarded for PLO3.
Another important factor in using the private group channel in Microsoft
Teams is transparency to all the group members and the teaching team.
When there is a dispute between the group members, the LiC will only
examine evidence such as posts, meeting activities and uploaded files in the
private group channel (see 10. Self and Peer Assessments). The LiC will not
examine other communication channels such as WhatsApp, Facebook, and

5.1 Microsoft Planner
Microsoft Planner can be used to improve task planning.
 The whole team can access the planner, so there will be no excuses like “I don’t
know what’s going on!”
Notifications can be used as reminders of tasks to be completed.
The group leader should maintain Microsoft Planner. All other group members
should also assist in managing the tasks in the Planner.
 Training Videos: Create a plan with Planner in Teams (microsoft.com)
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6. Case Study – Event Booking System
This fictitious case scenario uses Taylor Swift’s concerts as an example to help you
understand the problems and issues identified with the ticketing system.

6.1 Background

Many of Taylor Swift's fans were dissatisfied with the ticketing system's purchase process
during the recent concerts. There are issues and problems with the concert ticket allocation
and distribution. Some of the issues and problems identified are listed below. I did some
online research. I also asked AI tools for assistance. Microsoft Copilot AI (on Bing), as
shown below, probably gave the best summary of these issues and problems identified with
the current ticketing system:

1. Taylor Swift: Ticketek accounts hacked as ‘thousands’ of Australian fans fear for tickets before Eras
tour | Taylor Swift | The Guardian
2. Taylor Swift Australia Eras Tour: 800,000 people waiting on Ticketek website to buy Taylor Swift Tickets
| How to buy Taylor Swift Tickets (9news.com.au)
3. Amy Evans says she faced discrimination trying to get a ticket to Taylor Swift's Australian concert - ABC
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4. Desperate for Taylor Swift tickets? Here are cybersecurity tips to stay safe from scams
5. Taylor Swift tickets Australia: Elaborate Taylor Swift ticket scam could cause stadium chaos and
heartbreak (9news.com.au)

In addition, considering the amount the fans had to pay for the tickets, they were also
charged for handling and service fees on top of the tickets they purchased.

6.2 Your Role

So, she has asked an IT company to create a new event booking system for her concerts
during her next tour to Australia. This IT company has hired you to model and create a
database, and other teams will create the websites and write all the computer programs for a
new system.
Many system components must be addressed in a large and complex project. Although
many issues were identified, you only have to design and create a database model as listed
above. That will be your part in this large project. For your role,
(a) You do not need to write computer programs to capture the data or address
purchasing ticketing processes. Other project teams will do these.
(b) You do not have to worry about the interaction between the computer programs and
the database. You can assume that the other project teams will take care of it.
(c) You can assume that you have agreed with the other project teams before designing
the database model.
(d) You do not have to worry about how the data is captured, such as whether it is on a
mobile app or a desktop.

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6.3 Requirements

You need to create a database for a ticketing booking system. For ticketing information, you
can use the 2024 tour as a guide: Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour tickets. Here are some of the
requirements you might want to consider:
? Every customer must create an account and include a valid Australian state driving
licence or an identity card (such as a photo card) (for example, Proof of identity |
NSW Government). If a customer does not have a valid driving licence or an identity
photo card, then the customer cannot purchase tickets. Please note that issuing
driving licences is based on states in Australia. You can assume that 2-factor
authentication will be used. Furthermore, you can assume this will address the bot,
fraud, and identity issues.
You can assume the other project team will create other computer programs and
devices to address identified disability issues. You have to ensure you capture that
the customer has a disability.
Every concert has pre-defined seating. For example, MCG has allocated seats:
TS_MCG_Map2.jpg (1000×694).
A customer can purchase once with a limited number of tickets. However, you do not
have to worry about this constraint. You can assume the computer program will
check the limit when the customer enters the details. The other project team will
handle the computer programs.
 Encryption is outside the scope of the assignment. Theoretically, some data might
need to be encrypted, but you do not need to encrypt any data to reduce
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6.4 Entity
There are lots of entities in this case study. Some examples of entities you might want to
consider in your database model:

Entity Description
Customers Customer information
Events Details of concert events – place, dates, etc.
Event Venue Seating The seatings of the venue of an event.
Ticket Booking Tickets are booked and paid for by the customers.
Merchandise Merchandise for the events/tour
VIP Packages A package might Include tickets, events, merchandise, and
even accommodation.

Note: For simplicity, if you have wanted to include hotel and ticket packages as a VIP
package, you can assume that the accommodation will be booked accordingly when the
package is purchased. It is outside the scope of your project to address third-party systems.
There are two important key points to remember:
 Not everything in a business process has to be captured in a database.
The database design does not always follow the order of the business process.
For example, a customer might move around on the website to view the information, but the
data for moving around is not captured in the database.

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7. Tasks and Deliverables
Your task is to develop a database for the Event Booking System as a proof-of-concept
project. You have to write a report and perform a presentation to discuss what you have
done in the proof-of-concept project.

7.1 Proof of Concept Project
A proof of concept project is common in a business environment (see Proof of concept -
Wikipedia), instead of committing a large sum of money to build or upgrade a system. The
proof of concept project is to demonstrate how a system works but in a cut-down version. In
other words, you demonstrate only a portion of the system, not the full one. The purpose is
to show the viability of the system proposal. It also helps project stakeholders visualise
what the system can deliver, or sometimes we call it a “stakeholder buy-in”.
You do not expect to develop an entire database in this project. One purpose of this proof-
of-concept project is to evaluate the feasibility of using the data for reporting.

7.2 Report B: Tasks

Note: This assignment is to be conducted and submitted as a group.

1. Your group needs to develop an updated version of the scenario's entity-
relationship (ER) model by incorporating the best elements from individual members’
ERDs and feedback from Part A, when available. The ERD should have identified
entities, relationships, keys, constraints, cardinalities, and connectivities. You can
include additional relevant entities and attributes. Use Crow Foot’s notation to draw
the ER model based on what you have identified. Clearly label entities, relationships,
cardinalities, and connectivities in your model. The clarity and readability of your
diagrams are critical.
2. The minimum number of entities depends on the number of group members:
i. A group of two has at least six (6) entities,
ii. A group of three has at least nine (9) entities and
iii. A group of four has at least twelve (12) entities.

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3. To ensure the “weight” of the entities is fairly even distributed between the group
members within the group and between the groups, here are some of the rules for
counting the number of entities:
a. Each entity must have at least four attributes in addition to the primary
keys. The quality of the inclusion of the attributes will be assessed.
b. You must have at least one supertype and its associated subtypes.
c. All subtype entities belonging to one supertype entity are counted as two
entities. That is, if you have four subtype entities belonging to one
supertype, then you count the four subtype entities as one entity.
d. A “simple” entity with only two or three attributes will be counted as half-
an-entity. For example, a country entity with only two attributes, namely
country code and country name, will be counted as half-an-entity (i.e., 0.50

4. You need to list any assumptions (i.e., in case of missing information) that you have
made when drawing the ER diagram.
5. You create a schema/database based on the ERD in Oracle.
a. Write SQL DDL statements to create the tables of the relational model, which
is based on your ERD.
b. Ensure that referential integrity between the tables is enforced.
c. You need to populate the tables with data. As a rule of thumb, an average of
10 rows per table will give you enough data for a report. However, you might
find that some tables will have more than 10 rows per table, whereas others
might have fewer. You have to ensure adequate data to run and test queries
and showcase the database.
d. Ensure your sample data can return the queries as specified in Q6.
e. Do NOT change your group SQL account login password.
f. If more than one person works on a table using the group account, this might
create errors in the database. Please collaborate on who will be, what, and
when within the group!
g. Two script files are expected: one file for SQL statements for creating tables
and inserting rows and a separate file for SQL queries for the reports (see

6. Develop the below SQL queries for the database. You are required to generate reports
using Oracle SQL. The SQL query scripts must be saved as a separate script file (.SQL
or .TXT file). SQL query scripts inserted as screenshots will NOT be marked. Printouts
of the results of each query (e.g., screenshots) should also be in the report following
each query (not part of the word limit).
The number of reports required is based on the number of members in a group plus the
four general reports. This assessment phase evaluates your technical proficiency and
ability to develop reports that align with business operations. Thus, both your technical
skills and understanding of the business are assessed. Moreover, the query complexity
is considered part of the marking process.

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