Subject Code and Title CLA**1 Cloud Architecture.
Assessment Task Cloud Migration Plans.
Individual/Group Group.
Length 1200 words (+/- 10%) with diagrams.
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful
completion of the task below include:
b) Select and appraise relevant cloud computing components
and architecture to meet the ICT service delivery
c) Design cloud architecture in consideration of relevant
governance, cybersecurity, and ICT service requirements.
d) Apply configure management for continuous improvement
of cloud service architecture.
12-week duration: Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of
Module 8 (Week 8)
6-week duration: Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of
Module 8 (Week 4)
Weighting 35%
Total Marks 100 marks
Assessment Task
In the same group as you were in for Assessment 1, use the findings from Assessment 1 to develop
and design a cloud orchestration plan and write a 1200-word report.
Please refer to the Instructions section for details on how to complete this task.
Cloud orchestration refers to managing and coordinating various cloud resources and services to
ensure the seamless operation of complex applications and workflows. It involves automating and
orchestrating the deployment, configuration, and management of cloud infrastructure, applications,
and services in a coordinated and efficient manner.
A cloud orchestration plan document is vital for the success of any cloud-based project. It offers
numerous benefits, some of which are listed below:
Clarity and Communication.
Strategic Alignment.
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Risk Mitigation.
Resource Optimisation.
Compliance and Governance.
Apart from the benefits mentioned above, the orchestration plan document provides benefits in
other areas, such as training and knowledge transfer, vendor management, collaboration and
accountability. It is a valuable resource that guides and supports effective cloud orchestration
In Assessment 2, you will prepare the cloud orchestration plan document to guide you through
Assessment 3. This assessment will also enable you to understand the best practices used in the
industry for cloud orchestration.
You will continue working in the groups you formed for the Assessment 1 task.
For this assessment, you will need to apply the knowledge in various domains of cloud architecture
that you have gained through Modules 1 - 8. You must also cite current secondary research from the
past five (5) years using APA referencing to support your responses. They must be included in your
reference list.
To complete Assessment 2 successfully, you must complete the tasks below:
Task 1: Review the Group Contract
Please read your completed CLA**1 Assessment 2 and 3 Group Contract. Refer to
sections 6.1 and 6.2 of the Student Conduct Policy.
For Assessment 2, you should keep records of communication and drafts.
Consult with your Learning Facilitator regarding any contribution or other issues.
Task 2: Review the case study and the findings from Assessment 1
Re-examine your findings from Assessment Task 1.
Carefully review the case study to understand the organisation’s cloud requirements.
Task 3: Produce a Cloud Orchestration Plan (1200 words)
Utilise the following structure to prepare the cloud orchestration plan document.
Include diagrams to demonstrate the key components of the orchestration plan.
a) Introduction (approx. 100 words)
- Outline the purpose and scope of the report.
- Provide an overview of cloud orchestration strategy and objectives.
- Identify key stakeholders and their roles.
b) Body (approx. 1000 words)
You should divide this section of the report into the following sub-sections:
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i) Cloud Environment Overview:
- Describe the current infrastructure (review of Assessment 1).
- Overview of the applications, workloads and data being managed.
ii) Orchestration Goals and Objectives:
- Define the goals and objectives of the cloud orchestration initiative.
- Alignment with organisational strategies and business requirements.
iii) Resource Provisioning Management:
- Discuss resource provisioning approaches, including virtual machines,
data storage and networking components.
- Establish guidelines for resource allocation, scaling and optimisation
based on demand (configuration management).
- Develop strategies for managing resource lifecycle, including
provisioning, monitoring, and decommissioning.
- Illustrate how resources, such as virtual machines, storage and
networking, are provisioned and scaled based on demand using visual
iv) Security and Compliance:
- Implement measures to ensure the security and compliance of the
orchestrated resources and services.
- Identify access control mechanisms and authentication methods.
- Illustrate the security measures and controls implemented in the cloud
orchestration environment using visual diagrams.
v) Monitoring and Alerting:
- Design plans for monitoring the health, performance, and availability of
orchestrated resources.
- Identify key metrics to be monitored and thresholds for triggering alerts.
- Illustrate the monitoring and alerting infrastructure and processes using
visual diagrams.
vi) Governance and Documentation:
- Determine policies and procedures for governance and management of
the orchestration environment.
c) Conclusion (100 words)
- Summarise your design and development findings.
d) Reference List
- Include in-text citations in your report and the references at the end of the
report. Adhere to APA style guidelines.
It is essential that you use current APA style for citing and referencing the sources that you use.
Please see more information on citing and referencing guidelines on the Academic Skills webpage.
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Submission Instructions
Students are individually required to submit a report addressing all the requirements of this
Submit your Assessment 1 report via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in CLA**1:
Cloud Architecture Portal. Please name your file in the following format:
Lastname_First initial_subject code_assessment number
e.g. Smith_A_CLA**1_A2
Your Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can
be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own, is academically written
and appropriately referenced following the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have
read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic integrity policy and procedures and
subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are available online.
Students must also keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
Special Consideration
To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment task or exam due to
unexpected or extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher
Education Coursework and ELICOS and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed
Application for Assessment Special Consideration Form to your Learning Facilitator.
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Assessment Rubric
Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
Assessment (Yet to achieve
(Functional) (Proficient) (Advanced) (Exceptional)
Attributes minimum standard)
50-64% 65-74% 75-84% 85-100%
Demonstrated Limited or no knowledge Basic knowledge of cloud Adequate knowledge of Strong knowledge of cloud Advanced knowledge of
knowledge of cloud of cloud orchestration orchestration tools. cloud orchestration tools. orchestration tools. cloud orchestration tools.
orchestration tools and tools.
technologies to address Provides a basic, generalised, Provides an adequate and Provides a clear, detailed, Provides an accurate, highly
an organisation's ICT Provides a vague or and sometimes supported mostly factual description and supported description informative, and well-
strategies and business inaccurate description of description of the topic and of the topic and its impact, of the topic and its impact, supported description of
requirements the topic and its impact, its impact, covering a few covering some relevant covering the most relevant the topic covering all
covering very few relevant relevant details. Contains details. Contains a few details. Contains only minor relevant details. Contains
Percentage for this details. Contains many several errors. errors. errors. no omissions or errors.
Criterion = 15% errors.
Attempts to use specialised Uses some specialised Uses specialised Discerningly and
Very rarely and/or terminology accurately, but terminology accurately. terminology accurately and consistently selects and
inaccurately uses the meaning is difficult to effectively. precisely employs a wide
specialised terminology understand. range of specialised
Development of Demonstrates a very Demonstrates a very basic Demonstrates an adequate Demonstrates an advanced Demonstrates exceptional
strategies for the limited knowledge of understanding of resource level of knowledge in level of knowledge and knowledge and expertise in
provision and allocation resource management provisioning management designing and expertise in designing and designing and
of resources for a cloud strategy. strategy. implementing a resource implementing a resource implementing a resource
orchestration plan provisioning management provisioning management provisioning management
Provides no discussion on Provides a basic discussion on strategy. strategy. strategy.
Percentage for this resource allocation and resource allocation and
Criterion = 25% managing resource managing resource lifecycle, Provides an informative Provides a comprehensive, Provides a comprehensive,
lifecycle. but lacks depth and discussion on resource insightful discussion on innovative, insightful
comprehensive insights. allocation and managing resource allocation and discussion on resource
Visual diagrams are resource lifecycle. allocation and managing
missing or poorly utilised resource lifecycle that
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to illustrate aspects of Some visual diagrams are Most visual diagrams are managing resource reflects a deep
resource provisioning. present, but they are simple present, providing clarity lifecycle. understanding.
and lack creativity in and supporting the
illustrating aspects of discussion, however they Visual diagrams are Visual diagrams are
resource provisioning. detailed, creative and exceptionally detailed,
may lack innovation.
illustrate almost all major creative, and visually
aspects of resource appealing, and illustrate all
provisioning. aspects of resource
Integrating security Develops basic security Develops foundational Develops comprehensive Develops advanced security Develops highly relevant
measures, control and monitoring processes security and monitoring security and monitoring and monitoring processes and appropriate security
mechanisms and that align with general ICT processes that align with processes that adhere to that adhere to current ICT and monitoring processes
governance practices standards. established ICT standards. current ICT standards. standards. that adhere to current ICT
into a cloud standards, demonstrating
orchestration plan Incorporates some Demonstrates awareness of Demonstrates a good Demonstrates an advanced exceptional insight on the
relevant practices for ICT relevant practices for ICT understanding of relevant level of understanding of topic.
Percentage for this service delivery and service delivery and practices for ICT service relevant practices for ICT
Criterion = 30% governance processes. governance processes. delivery and governance service delivery and Consistently and accurately
processes. governance processes. incorporates best practices
Visual diagrams are Some visual diagrams are for ICT service delivery and
missing or poorly utilised present, but they are simple Many visual diagrams are Visual diagrams are detailed governance processes
to illustrate monitoring and lack creativity in present, providing clarity and creative and illustrate drawn from reliable,
infrastructure and control illustrating the aspects of and supporting the almost all major aspects of credible and current
mechanisms. monitoring infrastructure and discussion, however, they monitoring infrastructure secondary sources.
control mechanisms. may lack innovation. and control mechanisms.
Uses detailed, creative and
innovative visual diagrams
to illustrate and support all
monitoring infrastructure
and control mechanisms.
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Effective The writing style is halting, The writing style is not always The writing style is mostly The writing style is fluent, The writing style is fluent,
communication inappropriate and/or fluent and appropriate, and fluent, appropriate and appropriate and accurate, appropriate and accurate,
(writing) inaccurate, with many contains some errors in accurate, with a few errors. with only minor errors. with no errors.
errors. accuracy.
Percentage for this The layout is well- The layout is well- The layout is well-
Criterion = 10% The layout lacks cohesion The layout is mostly well- structured, with most structured, with content structured, and all content
and is challenging to structured but can be content logically logically sequenced and is sequenced effectively
follow. confusing, disjointed and/or sequenced. easy to follow. and skilfully to a
cluttered at times. professional standard.
Teamwork (group Teamwork or group Teamwork or group Teamwork or group Teamwork or group Group members worked
participation) participation is not participation is functional, participation is sufficient, participation is consistent cohesively by collaborating
evident. Lack of
with minimal collaboration with adequate
with regular collaboration on all tasks and sharing
Percentage for this collaboration on tasks and on tasks and sharing ideas ideas and viewpoints
on tasks and sharing of ideas collaboration on tasks and
Criterion = 10% sharing of ideas and and viewpoints. exceptionally well.
and viewpoints. sharing ideas and
Group members allocated Group members
Group members do not Group members attempt to the work required to discerningly allocated the
allocate the work required allocate the work required to Group members allocated complete the group work in work required to complete
to complete the group complete the group work, but the work required to a fair and equitable manner the group work in a fair and
work in a fair and on almost all occasions. equitable manner on all
not in a fair and equitable complete the group work in
equitable manner. occasions.
manner on many occasions. a fair and equitable manner
on some occasions.
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Use of sources; Limited or no use of Basic use of Adequate use of some Strong use of a good range Excellent use of a wide
correct citation and academic/industry-related academic/industry-related academic/industry-related of academic/industry- range of
referencing of key sources to support and sources to support and sources to support and related sources to support academic/industry-related
resources and evidence develop ideas. develop some ideas. develop most ideas. and develop almost all sources to support and
ideas. develop all ideas.
Percentage for this Citation and referencing Most in-text citations and/or Almost all in-text citations
criterion = 10% are omitted or do not reference list entries follow and reference list entries Almost all in-text citations All in-text citations and
follow APA guidelines for APA guidelines. Some errors follow APA guidelines; only and reference list entries reference list entries follow
most in-text citations are present. a few citations and follow APA guidelines; only APA guidelines; no citation
and/or reference list referencing errors exist. one or two citations and or referencing errors.
entries. referencing errors.
The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment.
SLO b) Select and appraise relevant cloud computing components and architecture to meet the ICT service delivery requirements.
SLO c) Design cloud architecture in consideration of relevant governance, cybersecurity, and ICT service requirements.
SLO d) Apply configure management for continuous improvement of cloud service architecture.
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