ECS-**3 Module 1
Enterprise Computing
Course Outline Course Outline – Contd…
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Assessments Structure Group Formation
The course will be graded based on three ? For Assessment 2 and 3 you are required to work in groups of three to four students.
Form a group with a maximum of 4 members.
Assessment. Your group must be formed by the end of Module 4 (Week 4).
Your group must be registered by sending an email with “ECS **3- Group Registration” in the subject
Assessment 1 S Int dru ivc it du ur ae l D Wu ee e kD a 4te W 25e %ightage ? l y Ti on hue e. r d I gn er aot dh u le p in .b eCo C fd o y o r to th hf e et rh gse rt oue udm pea n ri etl, s g p ii snle t rya aos te u io rl n i es t m is t ah 1ie 1l. : n 4a 5m pmes A a En Sd T s ot nu d Fe rn idt a I yD a n tu tm heb ee nrs d o of fa Mll t oh de u lm e e 4m (Wbe er es k o 4f ).
Assessment 2 Group based Week 8 35 % ? You are required to send the registration email to before the registration deadline. After the
Assessment 3 Group based Week 12 40 % registration deadline, the students who are not in a group will be allocated to a group by the
Learning Facilitator.
Please note that you will also work with your group members for Assessment Tasks 2 and 3.
Overview of Enterprise Computing Overview of Enterprise Computing
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a software solution that integrates various ? Solving Business Challenges:
business processes and functions across an organization, streamlining operations –The primary goal of enterprise computing is to address and solve complex
and improving efficiency. business challenges by leveraging advanced computing technologies.
Benefits –It focuses on providing scalable and efficient solutions to meet the diverse needs
Integrated System Approach: of modern organizations.
Scalability and Flexibility:
–Enterprise computing involves the holistic integration of hardware, –Enterprise computing solutions are designed to be scalable, allowing
software, networking, and other technological components within an organizations to adapt and grow without major disruptions.
organization. –The flexibility of these systems ensures that businesses can respond to changing
–It emphasizes a unified system approach to optimize business market conditions and technological advancements effectively.
processes and enhance overall efficiency.
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Overview of Enterprise Computing Key Components of Enterprise Computing
Enhanced Collaboration and Connectivity: ? Enterprise computing encompasses several key components that work together to form a
–E dn ift fe er rep nri ts e d ec po am rtp mut ein ntg s f aa nci dli t ta et ae ms s se wa im thle ins s a nco oll ra gb ao nr ia zati to ion n a .nd connectivity among ? c Ho –am rd Dp w ere fa ih nree it n iI ons ni fv r :e a T sa htn r eud pc i htn u yt r se e ig c:r aa l t ee qd u s iy ps mte em nt. tC ho an ts fi ost r mof s 5 t hm ea fi on u c no dm atp io on ne on ft as: n enterprise computing system.
–It enables the sharing of information, resources, and applications, fostering a –Role: Servers, data storage devices, networking equipment, and computing devices create the
more connected and collaborative work environment. infrastructure necessary for running applications and processing data.
Data-Driven Decision Making: ? Software Applications:
–Utilizing enterprise computing, organizations can collect, analyze, and leverage –Definition: Programs and applications designed to perform specific tasks and functions within an
–v Ta hs et ia nm teo gu ran tt is
sb iou nsi -n me as ks ia np gp .lications,
enterprises to gain valuable insights from their data.
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Key Components of Enterprise Computing Key Components of Enterprise Computing
Networking: –Definition: Software that acts as an intermediary layer between
–D exe cf hin ai nti go en : w T ih the i nin ate nr dc o on un tse idct ee td h s ey s ot re gm an o izf a d tie ov nic .es and communication pathways that enable data different applications and facilitates communication and data
–Role: Networking facilitates the flow of information, allowing seamless communication and exchange.
collaboration among different departments and locations. –Role: Middleware enables integration by connecting diverse software
D –ata Db ea fis ne is ti: on: Structured collections of data organized for efficient retrieval, storage, and components, allowing them to work together and share information
management. across the enterprise.
–Role: Databases store and manage vast amounts of structured and unstructured data, supporting
various applications and ensuring data consistency and integrity.
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Types of Enterprise Computing Types of Enterprise Computing
Enterprise computing systems come in various types, each tailored to specific organizational needs ? Mainframe Computing:
and technological requirements. –Description: Mainframe computers are powerful, centralized systems capable of handling
Client-Server Architecture: extensive processing tasks. They are known for their reliability, scalability, and the ability to
–Description: In this model, computing tasks are divided between a central server and multiple support multiple users simultaneously.
client devices. Clients request services or resources from the server, which processes and fulfills –Use Case: Frequently used in large-scale transaction processing environments, financial
these requests. institutions, and critical business applications.
–Use Case: Commonly used for applications where data processing is centralized, and clients need ? Cloud Computing:
to access and interact with the data. –Description: Cloud computing delivers computing services over the internet. Resources such as
Distributed Computing: servers, storage, databases, and software are provided on a pay-as-you-go basis, offering
–Description: Distributed computing involves the use of interconnected computers and systems to scalability and flexibility.
share the workload. Processing tasks are distributed across multiple nodes to improve efficiency –Use Case: Widely adopted for various applications, from hosting websites to running complex
and performance. data analytics, providing a cost-effective and easily scalable solution.
–Use Case: Suitable for applications that require high computing power, fault tolerance, and
scalability, such as scientific simulations and large-scale data processing.
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Types of Enterprise Computing Challenges in Enterprise Computing
Edge Computing: Challenges in enterprise computing arise from the complexity and scale of integrating and managing
various technological components within an organization. Here are some common challenges:
–Description: Edge computing involves processing data near the source Security Concerns:
of data generation rather than relying solely on centralized cloud –Description: With the increasing amount of sensitive data stored and processed in enterprise
servers. It aims to reduce latency and improve real-time processing. s ray nst se om ms w, s ae recu , r ai nty d i us na a p ua thra om rio zeu dn t a cc co en sc se , r pn o. sC ey b sie gr ns ie fic cu ar nit ty r it sh kr se .ats, such as data breaches,
–Use Case: Applied in scenarios where real-time processing is critical, –Impact: Compromised security can lead to data loss, financial losses, damage to reputation, and
such as IoT devices, ensuring quick responses and reduced legal consequences.
dependence on distant data centers. ? Integration Complexity:
–Description: Integrating diverse hardware and software components, especially when dealing
with legacy systems, can be challenging. Ensuring seamless communication and interoperability
between different technologies is crucial.
–Impact: Integration challenges can lead to inefficiencies, data silos, and difficulties in maintaining
and updating systems.
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Challenges in Enterprise Computing Challenges in Enterprise Computing
Legacy Systems: Skill Gaps:
–Description: Many organizations still rely on legacy systems that may be outdated, difficult to –Description: The rapid evolution of technology requires a skilled workforce. Enterprises may face
maintain, and incompatible with newer technologies. Integrating these systems with modern challenges in recruiting and retaining professionals with the necessary expertise in areas such as
enterprise solutions poses a challenge. cloud computing, cybersecurity, and data analytics.
–Impact: Legacy systems can hinder agility, limit functionality, and increase the cost of –Impact: A lack of skilled personnel can result in suboptimal system implementations, reduced
maintenance and support. innovation, and an increased risk of errors.
Data Management: Regulatory Compliance:
–Description: Managing large volumes of data generated by various systems can be complex. –Description: Enterprises must comply with various industry regulations and data protection laws.
Issues may arise in data quality, consistency, and accessibility, impacting decision-making Staying abreast of changing compliance requirements and ensuring that systems adhere to these
processes. standards can be challenging.
–Impact: Poor data management can lead to inaccurate insights, hinder analytics efforts, and –Impact: Non-compliance may lead to legal consequences, fines, and damage to the organization's
impede the organization's ability to leverage data for strategic purposes. reputation.
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Challenges in Enterprise Computing
Cost Management:
–Description: Implementing and maintaining enterprise computing
systems can involve significant upfront and ongoing costs. Budget
constraints and the need to justify investments make effective cost Thank you
management a challenge.
–Impact: Poor cost management can lead to financial strain, hindering
the organization's ability to invest in necessary technologies and
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