

时间:2024-06-28  来源:合肥网hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要纠错

COMP9021 Principles of Programming
Term 2, 2024
Coding Quiz 3
Worth 4 marks and due Week 5 Thursday @ 9pm
You are provided with a stub in which you need to insert your code where indicated without doing any
changes to the existing code to complete the task. Although it is not needed for this quiz, you may import
any module that is already installed in Ed if you wish.
The current code prompts the user for a positive integer.
This positive integer, when written in base 3, its consecutive digits read from left to right represent the
directions to take, with:
 0 meaning going South (S),
 1 meaning going South West (SW), and
 2 meaning going South East (SE).
Your task is to print out:
1. the representation of the integer in base 3,
2. the corresponding sequence of directions to take as arrows, and
3. the sequence of arrows again, but nicely displayed.
The leftmost arrow is printed out with no space to the left.
The arrows are the Unicode characters of code point:
Use, for instance, print('\u2b07') to display ?.
The provided stub and the outputs of the sample test cases explain the task to be performed.
Representation of the integer in base 3 1.25 marks
Corresponding sequence of arrows 1.25 marks
Sequence of arrows nicely displayed 1.50 marks
Total 4.00 marks
Due Date and Submission
Quiz 3 is due Week 5 Thursday 27 June 2024 @ 9.00pm (Sydney time).
Note that late submission with 5% penalty per day is allowed up to 3 days from the due date, that is, any
late submission after Week 5 Sunday 30 June 2024 @ 9pm will be discarded.
Make sure not to change the filename quiz_3.py while submitting by clicking on [Mark] button in Ed.
It is your responsibility to check that your submission did go through properly using Submissions link in Ed
otherwise your mark will be zero for Quiz 3.
Test Cases
$ python quiz_3.py
Enter a positive integer: 0
In base 3, the input reads as: 0
So that's how you want to go: 
Let's go then!

$ python quiz_3.py
Enter a positive integer: 9
In base 3, the input reads as: 100
So that's how you want to go: 
Let's go then!
$ python quiz_3.py
Enter a positive integer: 17
In base 3, the input reads as: 122
So that's how you want to go: 
Let's go then!
$ python quiz_3.py
Enter a positive integer: 35
In base 3, the input reads as: 1022
So that's how you want to go: 
Let's go then!
$ python quiz_3.py
Enter a positive integer: 123456789
In base 3, the input reads as: 22121022020212200
So that's how you want to go: Let's go then!
$ python quiz_3.py
Enter a positive integer: 9876543210
In base 3, the input reads as: 221111022110101020200
So that's how you want to go: 
Let's go then!

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  • 上一篇:代写CS6250程序、代做python编程设计
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