

时间:2024-06-01  来源:合肥网hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要纠错

Primary School Management System (PSMS)
Java Course Semester Project, CUEB, SDS, Spring-2024.
Course ID: 072243A,
The following diagram illustrate typical stages of Software Development Cycle(SDC).

Fig. 1:  Software Development Cycle(SDC).
1.Developing Prototype Model
Identify the basic requirements including the input, output information and security.
Develop initial prototype: The initial prototype is shall includes only user interfaces.
Review: The end-users, examine the prototype and provide feedback on additions or changes.
Revise and enhancing the prototype: Using the feedback, both the specifications and the prototype can be improved.
1.1 User description
There  are  four  main  users  for  the  proposed  system;  these  are Admin,  student,  teacher  and  the parent.  Each  user  can  perform several  different  functions  during  the  use  of  the  system.  These functions  are  determined  according  to  the  design  of  the  proposed  system  and  a  user-friendly functions to make the system more effective and  efficient. 
Admin: sign in, create new teacher/student/class, involve parent in registration process, generate time table (student, teacher).

Create, edit and delete student account.
Create, edit and delete teacher account.
Create, edit and delete parent account.
Store, edit, delete, calculate and student's grade.
Add Classes and Subject to the teachers.
Create, edit, delete and  timetable.

Student: Sign in, view personal info, view time table, view exam’s marks, contact with school and teacher, apply for a leave

View their marks per subject.
View their timetable
Apply for leave
Change their account's information

Teacher: sign in, add student marks, add student attendance, contact with parent about their child, view teacher time table.

Add Student's marks per Subject.
Add Student's attendance per Subject.
Approve student leave application

Parent: Sign in, view report about his/child

View the marks of their children.
View the attendance of their children.
Change their account's information

1.2 System Requirement
Before creating the system, it is necessary to visualize the layout, design all features intended to be incorporated.  In addition, how users will interact with each page and icon and how the System should perform.  Once the requirements are set, developers  can  initiate  the  other  technical  work  including  system  design,  development,  testing, implementation, and operation. 
Functional requirements:  “visible” features such as generate report, login, and signup. 
Nonfunctional requirements: security, reliability and maintainability
2.System Analysis
Analyze the functional and non-functional requirements using use-case diagrams, and use-cases details. In addition, the interactive behavior of the activities is analyzed using sequence diagrams and activity diagrams.
3.Design Phase 
During the design phase, the relationships between classes were designed and analyzed using the class diagram(UML). After that, Class Diagram are used to illustrate the relationships and source code dependencies among classes. The class defines the methods and variables in an object, which is a specific entity in a program.
4.Implementation Phase 
Through this phase, several activities and techniques will be used to develop the system. The development of the system starts with designing the system structure. Then the style of the system will be designed using swing and awt. 
5.Testing and  Evaluation
5.1 Testing
Two types of testing will be performed to test the system. These tests were mainly performance testing and functionality testing.
Performance Testing
Functionality Testing
All functions in the application, forms used to enter data for submission, editing, getting or deleting information from users will be tested. 
Security Testing

Since the system has four users whose opinion about the system is very important, a sample of student, teacher, parent, and school manager were consulted to evaluate the System.
6.1 Usability Evaluation 
To evaluate the system based on the users (student, teacher, parent, admin).

1.Use Proper Comments in the code, follow the Java rules for defining class, package, variables and functions names.
2.Use balsamiq for design of GUI before implementation (https://balsamiq.com/wireframes/desktop/)
3.Use UML for classes and objects diagrams
4.Every group need to submit a report and code
5.This document is subject to minor changes before the project submission

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