

时间:2024-05-28  来源:合肥网hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要纠错

FIT1050 Web Fundamentals
2024 Semester 1
Assignment 3 (30%, individual assessment)
Website Development and Report: Build a Website Homepage
Using the CodeStitch modular template system, develop a homepage for the Australian
small business that your group selected for Assignment 2. The design of the webpage does
not need to be identical to your group's redesign mockup - you have the opportunity to
create and implement your own design ideas using what you have learned in Assignment 2.
You will also write a short report that explains 5 important decisions relating to key aspects
of the homepage design you have implemented.
Build Your Website Using Free CodeStitch Template Modules
CodeStitch is a modular system of HTML, CSS and JavaScript components, known as
"stitches", that can be combined and customised to quickly build complex webpages.
Only use CodeStitch stitches from the free demo library: https://codestitch.app/app
Browse the collection of free stitches on CodeStitch.app..
Get code to use in your own website's HTML, CSS and JS fifiles.
1FIT1050 Web Fundamentals
2024 Semester 1
Demonstrate your understanding of HTML and CSS techniques by combining and
customising free stitches to produce a website homepage with 5-6 content sections.
● Combine HTML code in your website's index.html fifile
● Customise each module by editing the HTML and creating your own CSS styles.
● All CSS and JS code must be written in separate externally linked fifiles.
● Other templates and frameworks are not allowed in this assignment.
Declare All CodeStitch Stitches Used in Your Website
You must accurately acknowledge all CodeStich stitches used in your website by providing
annotated screenshots of your website. At the start of your report:
● Include screenshots of each section of your website.
● Annotate each screenshot with links to the CodeStitch stitches used.
Website Content and Technical Guidelines
Your homepage must have 5-6 content sections. A content section is a distinct area of a
webpage that has information and purpose that is difffferent to other areas. In this assignment:
● A header containing titles and featured content is counted as a content section.
● A footer with company information and links is counted as a content section.
● A navigation menu should be present but is not counted as a content section
Use a code editor and Chrome’s DevTools to customise your template modules. Develop a
homepage only - no other pages are required. Navigation links do not need to be functional.
● Change all text and image content in the CodeStich modules.
● Customise colours, backgrounds, and fonts to change the visual design.
● Add, remove, and rearrange content within the modules.
During marking, your website will be tested at a desktop screen size of 1920 x 1080px.
You must also demonstrate a basic understanding of client-side scripting by researching and
implementing at least 1 new JavaScript feature in your website. The feature must involve a
user interaction that results in useful functionality in the website.
● You may write original code based on lab activities or further research.
● You may make use of research third-party scripts from online sources.
● Interactive features already implemented in CodeStitch modules are not counted.
2FIT1050 Web Fundamentals
2024 Semester 1
The website must be uploaded to a web host for fifinal testing (covered in week 12).
● The website must have a favicon that is appropriate for your website.
● Images must be optimised for web delivery
● Unnecessary fifiles must be identifified and removed.
Server-side scripting (i.e. PHP) is not required and will not be assessed in this assignment.
Report Guidelines
Write a short report between 750-1250 words justifying some important decisions you made
when designing and developing the website.
Include the following information at the start of the report:
● The URL where your hosted website can be accessed online.
● An overview of your site topic and purpose.
● The specifific target demographic that the site is designed to appeal to.
In your report, describe the single most important decision you made for each of the
following key aspects of your website:
1. Site content or major features
2. Visual design style
3. Image optimisation
4. Accessibility
5. JavaScript interaction
Provide justififications for each decision that demonstrates how you have considered and
applied theory covered in this unit and further supporting research. Research should include
screenshot examples of similar features found in other websites.
Use of Online Resources
The report must include references for all non-original resources used in your website.
● All CodeStitch stitches used to construct your website.
● All non-original text content that you have researched.
● All download images and any other media content.
● Researched code, including downloaded scripts and online tutorials.
● Linked/embedded resources, including videos, webfonts and JavaScript code.
3FIT1050 Web Fundamentals
2024 Semester 1
Downloaded images must have a licence that allows free commercial use.
● Public Domain or Creative Commons licensed images are preferred.
● Other licences that allow free commercial use are also allowed (check with your tutor
if you are unsure).
● Images that only contain a logo (website logo, social media icons) do not require a
free commercial use licence, but must still be referenced.
Formal referencing style is not required. References may be in the form of a title/fifilename
and source URL. References are not included in the report’s word count.
Use of AI Content Generation Tools
Generative AI tools are restricted for certain functions in this assessment task
In this assignment, you can use generative artifificial intelligence (AI) tools to create images to
use as media content in your website. You must not use Generative AI tools for writing
HTML, CSS or JavaScript code for your website, or for generating text in your report.
All use of generative artifificial intelligence for website content must be acknowledged in your
report's references. Declaration of generated materials must include:
● Clear identifification of each image created using generative AI.
● Acknowledging and providing URLs for the specifific generative AI tools used.
● Providing the prompts you used to generate each piece of content.
Deliverables and Submission
● A single ZIP fifile containing your website folder
○ Include all fifiles required to view your website.
○ Remove fifiles that are not required to view your website.
○ The total size of your website folder must be less than 25MB before
compressing as a ZIP fifile.
● Website development report as a PDF fifile
○ Upload your website to a web host and include a URL on the cover page of
your report that tutors can use to access your hosted website.
○ Include screenshots of each section of your fifinished website with annotations
to declare all CodeStitch stitches used.
○ Include references for your website and report at the end of the document.
Submission Due: Friday Week 12, 11:55PM
4FIT1050 Web Fundamentals
2024 Semester 1
Assessment Policies
Generative AI tools are restricted for certain functions in this assessment task
In this assessment, you can only use generative artifificial intelligence (AI) in order to generate
images to use as content and decoration in your website. Other uses of generative AI are not
allowed. Any use of generative AI must be appropriately acknowledged (see Learn HQ).
Referencing of researched resources
Resources used in your assignment that are not your own original work must be
acknowledged in a references list. This includes graphics and screenshots of websites.
Formal academic referencing is not required as long as your acknowledgement is clear.
● Title - From the original resource or describing a specifific part within your submission.
● Credit - Author, organisation or copyright-holder of the resource.
● Online link - URL that leads directly to the specifific original resource used.
● Printed publications - The exact title of the publication and relevant page numbers.
Assessment deliverables must be uploaded to moodle
Unless otherwise specifified in the assessment task description, all submissions will require
deliverables to be uploaded to Moodle. Teaching staffff cannot assess submissions via email,
Google Drive or other methods of submission outside of Moodle. Where practicable,
deliverables will be submitted to the TurnItIn similarity detection system.
Late submission of assessments
Unless an extension has been approved, each day, or part thereof, an assessment task is
overdue, a late penalty of 10% of the available total marks applies up to a maximum of seven
days. Assessment tasks submitted more than seven days after the due date will receive a
mark of zero for that task and may not receive feedback.
Extensions and special consideration
Extensions and other individual alterations to the assessment regime will only be considered
using the university's Extensions and Special Consideration Policy. All extension requests
must be submitted directly to the university via the online extension request process.
● Learn about the difffferent types of extensions on the Monash Extensions Website.
● Apply for short extensions or special consideration using the online form.
Submitting an application for an extension or special consideration does not guarantee that
the extension will be approved, so you should continue to work on your assessment and
submit it as soon as you are able to.

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