

时间:2024-02-05  来源:合肥网hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要纠错

C/C++ Programming (CSC3002)

Continuous Assessment – Individual Assignment #1
Out: Tuesday, 16 January, 2024(Week #2)

Due:  Friday, 02 February, 2024 (Week #4)

Weight: 5% of the overall assessment

Submission channel: online submission on BB platform

This individual assignment is designed to enhance your understanding of the basics of C++ programming throughout practice. You are required to solve the following four problems by developing your own C++ codes. 

Please prepare one page document to highlight your solutions to the given four problems and the corresponding file names of your C++ programs.
Please submit this one-page document to the assignment submission site on our BB platform.
Please submit your finished files of C++ programs onto the OJ system (Online Judge System). You should finish each .cpp file according to the requirements for each problem. The link to the OJ system will be announced later.
There would be a pre-test when you submit your code during the tutorial session in Week #4. Please note that, the teaching assistant (TA) may ask you to explain the meaning of your program, to ensure that the codes are indeed written by yourself. Please refer to the information published on BB platform regarding the assignment deadline, submission site and other relevant information for reference. Late submission will lead to some penalty – 10% deduction for each day of the delay and no submission would be accepted after 3 days of the due date. 

Marking scheme:
In this assignment, you are required to develop 4 C++ programs to solve the specified problems given below. 

The assessment is based on the quality of your documentation and the correctness of your programs. More specifically, the assessment of this assignment will include the following issues:

Description of the problems (problem statement)  (1%) 
Quality of program codes (style and correctness) (2%)
Performance of testing results  (1%) 
Concluding remarks of the report (quality of documentation) (1%)

Problem 1: C++ Program to Make a Simple Calculator
oProblem: A basic calculator that can do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
oPurpose: To learn about basic C++ syntax, input/output operations, and arithmetic operations.
oTesting:   Basic understanding of C++ syntax, input/output operations, and arithmetic
oApplications: various fields such as finance, science, and engineering.

Problem 2: C++ Program for a Tic Tac Toe game 
oProblem: A straightforward two-player game in which players alternately mark a 3×3 grid with
              an X or an O. The game is won by the person who successfully arranges three of their
              marks in a row that is either horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.
oPurpose: To learn about game development, control structures and arrays. 
oTesting:   Basic understanding of C++ syntax, control structures and arrays.  
oApplications: A simple educational game to teach logic and problem-solving skills.

Problem 3: C++ Program to remove comments from C/C++ code file
oProblem: Basic operations on strings and input/output file
oPurpose: To learn about basic C++ syntax, functions, libraries, strings and streams.
oTesting:   Basic understanding of C++ syntax, functions, libraries, strings and streams.
oApplications: A good exercise to understand lexer and parser!

Problem 4: C++ Program to compute the number of permutation and combination of two-user
                      provided values.
oProblem: Implementation of the mathematical formula of permutation and combination 
oPurpose: To learn about basic C++ syntax, functions, libraries, arithmetic operations and
              input/output streams.
oTesting:   Basic understanding of C++ syntax, functions, libraries, arithmetic operations and 
              input/output streams.
oApplications: A good exercise to understand computation for problem-solving. 

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