
代写IRP 1 Coursework 01编程、代做Python程序

时间:2024-01-24  来源:合肥网hfw.cc  作者:hfw.cc 我要纠错

This is an individual coursework worth 10% of the entire grade.  Each student will fork the project from the gitlab and complete the code themselves by the end of Friday 3rd November.

This is a simple coursework to demonstrate using functions, lists, loops and variables.
This project simulates a simplified washing machine.
You need to create a menu system to control the options for a washing machine, then simulate the wash cycle by displaying appropriate messages.
Your program will use an infinite loop to execute the code, whether the washing cycle completes successfully or is interrupted by the user, your program must always return to the main menu.
Your program must use functions to display and manage the menu options.
Your program must use functions to retrieve user input, you should have different input functions for different types of input (int, float, string etc.).
Your input functions must be stored in the separate file called user_input.py and imported into your washing machine main file.
You may use extra python files to organize your code.
Your code should have sensible names for functions and variables, you should also add comments where appropriate.
All files need to be uploaded to gitlab before the deadline.

For simplicity it can be assumed that the laundry detergent has been added to the water tank already, and that the first batch of water will be soapy.  The following washes will be normal water.
The water in the water tank starts at a temperature of 20 degrees.  Your program will need to sleep for a period everytime it executes a loop, you should look use the sleep function of the time library.
Running the program
The program will display the main menu, which will allow the user to select the type of wash, wash options and select when to run.  When the user selects the “run cycle” option, the program will provide constant status updates about what it is doing and how much progress has been made.
If the user presses any key during the run cycle process, the cycle will stop running and display a message saying “Wash cancelled” before returning to the main menu.
When the machine has completed the wash cycle it will display a “Wash completed” message before returning to the main menu.
Your program should continue looping until it is forcefully closed.

Main menu
The main menu system will list the various types of wash the washing machine can do.  After a type has been selected the menu will allow the user to customize the current wash by altering any of the options.
Invalid options should be identified and an error message displayed, and the user should try again.
Menu level 1
This will list the various types of wash available.  You can choose to use numbers or letters to select the wash type.  When one has been chosen, Menu level 2 should be displayed.
Menu level 2
This will list the various options for the wash cycle, as well as their current value.   You can choose to use numbers or letters to select the option type.  When one has been chosen, Menu level 3 should be displayed.  There are 2 different actions: “back” and “run cycle”. “Back” returns to Menu level 1, “run cycle” starts the wash cycle using the current options.
Menu level 3
This lists the available values for the selected option, it also has a “back” and “save” command.  Both actions return to Menu level 3, but the “save” command will update the options with the new value.

Washing machine functions
Your program should use the following Python functions with appropriate parameter types to simulate the washing machine.  You may also add your own functions.
This function will increase the temperature of the water in the water tank, it should loop until the water reaches the desired temperature.  Each iteration will increase the temperature by 1 degree, print a message of the current water temperature, and sleep for 100ms (0.1s).
This function will transfer the heated water into the washing machine drum, the amount says how much to transfer in total.  It should use a loop until the water has been added.  The maximum is 10 litres of water, the function should use a loop to add 0.5 litres and sleep for 100ms each iteration.
This function opens the drain of the washing machine so that water can leave the machine drum. It prints a message saying that the drain is open.
This function closes the drain of the washing machine, so that water cannot leave the drum. It prints a message saying that the drain is closed.
spin(speed, duration)
This function loops, saying that the drum is spinning at the specified speed.  The duration is in minutes, but for our simulation we are using 0.1s for each minute.  So a loop iteration will display the speed, current spin count and remaining spin counts. 
alternating_spin(duration, repeat)
The drum will slowly spin clockwise for (duration) times, then stop and spin counterclockwise for (duration) times.  This will be repeated (repeat) times.  The function will loop (repeat) times, it will have at least one inner loop, which will print a status message and sleep for 0.1s per spin.  
For example:
alternating_spin(5, 3) will execute 3 outer loops, each iteration will spin clockwise 5 times, then spin counterclockwise 5 times, each spin will display a message and sleep for 0.1s, so it will take around 3 seconds to finish the whole function.

The options which can be controlled by the user are:
Available options are: 20, 30, 40, 50, 60
Available options are: 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0
Available options are: 400, 500, 600, 700, 800
Available options are: 5, 7, 10, 15
Available options are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Available options are: 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20

Wash types
Most wash types will execute the same wash cycle, it is just that different types of wash will execute it a different number of times.
Wash cycle
Close drain, Heat water, Add water, Alternating spin, Spin, open drain, spin
Quick wash
2 cycles
Standard wash
3 cycles
Thorough wash 
4 cycles
Rinse and spin
Close drain, Heat water, Add water, Spin, open drain, spin
open drain, spin

Default option values
water_temp = 20
water_amount = 10.0
rotation_speed = 600
spin_duration = 15
alternating_duration = 3
alternating_spin_repeat = 5 

Grading scheme (20 points)
2 points – suitable variable and function names
2 points – input methods for int, float, boolean and string (with exception checking) in the user_input file.
2 points – menu system works (including spelling, various sub options and input validation)
6 points – each wash type works successfully.
6 points – can change each wash option within the available values, changed options effect the wash cycle.
2 points – useful comments and clear, readable code.
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