MULMS 353 odule Information3
Module Leader and Contact Details3
Module Aims and Learning Outcomes3
How will this module develop my ULMS Graduate skills?3
Teaching and Learning Strategies – how will this module be delivered?8
Teaching Programme10
Assessment Strategy – How will this module be assessed?11
Feedback to students - How will I receive feedback on this module?13
How can I feedback my views on this module?13
Reading for this module14
Other important library information:14
Module Information
Title of module: Strategic Management & Business Policy
Module code: ULMS 353
Credit value: 15
Semester in which the module is taught: 1
Module Leader and Contact Details
Name of module leader: Dr Danai Christopoulou
Email address of module leader:
Assessment and feedback hours (office hours):
In person: Join me for a coffee and ask your questions about the module and the assignments – Every Tuesday 15.00-16.00 @ ULMS Café
Online: Drop in session - Every Friday 12.00-13.00 via Zoom
Module Aims and Learning Outcomes
Module Aims:
To examine the basic principles of business strategy and consider alternative perspectives to the subject;
To focus attention on the way strategic decisions are made and the influencing factors;
To provide students with a critical understanding of the strategy process;
To provide students with an understanding of the planning process through environmental and resource analysis;
To provide students with a critical understanding of the concept of scenario planning, option selection and implementation.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the 'strategic management' process
Students will be able to think critically and analyse various sources of information relating to the management of strategy and business policy in organizations
Students will be able to conduct an internal analysis and identify a company's competitive advantages
Students will be able to conduct an external analysis and identify the impact of industry and macro-economic factors to the strategy creation
Students will be able to develop and evaluate a variety of business and corporate level strategies
Students will be able to research and provide both academic and personal employment-relevant written communication concerning strategic management theories, policies and practices, in a human resource management context
How will this module develop my ULMS Graduate skills?
The matrix below represents a strong set of attributes and skills which develop both your academic and employment capabilities. The matrix has been drawn up after a significant and prolonged round of consultation with local, national and international employers, students and staff.
You should check your own progress on a regular basis throughout your time at ULMS so that you develop as wide a range as possible of these skills by your graduation.
Skills badges can be obtained by completing the Higher Education Achievement Award (HEAR) recognised extra curricula projects that ULMS provides. Badges will be awarded on successful completion of those HEAR projects and they can then be used to support your on-line presence and profile.
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